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Call for Papers

Management and Marketing Section

Marketing Libraries in a Web 2.0 World

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The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the Management and Marketing Section, in collaboration with the Stockholm University Library, are organizing a pre-conference and satellite meeting in Stockholm (August 7 and 8, 2010). This is held in conjunction with the IFLA annual conference, which takes place in Gothenburg (Sweden), the following week.

Theme and objectives

Marketing the 21st library and information organization to its 21st century customers using Web 2.0 tools is a "hot topic". This satellite meeting will focus on the marketing applications and aspects (not technical), of Web 2.0.

We invite people to submit papers on topics exploring and discussing the following:
  • What are the implications of Web 2.0 and social networks for the marketing of library and information organizations
  • Which traditional marketing principles and practices are valuable (marketing mix & four P's, etc.) amongst Web 2.0 marketing strategies?
  • Which specific Web 2.0 applications are best for marketing specific library and information organizations (academic, public, school, corporate?)
  • Can Web 2.0 help better understand and identify clients' needs?
  • How can Web 2.0 better meet clients' needs?
  • What technologies best market Web 2.0 tools for use by customers?
  • What additional education do library and information professionals need for best use of these new marketing tools ?
  • What examples are available of "best" marketing practices utilizing Web 2,0 tools ?
  • And any other related question.

How to submit a proposal

Interested persons are invited to submit a proposal for a paper and presentation of about 25 minutes on the topics listed above.

Languages accepted for proposals: English, French, Spanish, Swedish. Arab, German, Russian and Chinese. However, the conference presentations will probably be offered in English unless funding is available for simultaneous translation.

The proposal should be not more that 500 words long (1 page), be submitted in electronic format (PDF or Word), and be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae of the author(s).

Proposal should be sent to: [email protected]

Proposal evaluation: Evaluation of the proposals will be based on scientific quality (pertinence, theoretical base, methodology, originality) and on the competencies of the candidate(s) based upon: quality/quantity of their publications/communications; importance; relationship with the theme of the colloquium, professional experience etc.

The following schedule will be applied:

15 January 2010: Deadline to submit proposals
25 February 2010: Notification of acceptance and dissemination of the program
30 June 2010: Deadline for authors to submit the final papers
January 2011: Publication of the proceedings

Scientific committee in charge of the evaluation:

  • Judith Broady-Preston, Aberystwyth University, (UK)
  • Dinesh Gupta, Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, (India)
  • Trine Kolderup Flaten, Bergen Public Library (Norway)
  • Christie Koontz, Florida State University, (USA)
  • Àngels Massisimo, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
  • Lena Olsson, Stockholm University (Sweden)
  • Marielle de Miribel, Mediadix, (France)
  • Réjean Savard, Univ. de Montréal, (Canada)
  • Nadia Temmar, École Supérieure de Banque (Algeria)
  • Christina Tovote, Stockholm University (Sweden)
  • Steffen Wawra, Universitätsbibliothek Passau (Germany)


All proposals must be in before 15 January 2010.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors/presenters if that is required.

Last update: 15 December 2009