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Call for Papers

Social Science Libraries Section
& Information Literacy Section

Making It Count: Social Science Data Literacy as an Information Fluency

The Social Science Libraries Section and the Information Literacy Section are seeking proposals for a program to be held at the IFLA conference in Gothenburg, Sweden in August of 2010.

Theme - The role of both the social sciences and information literacy are key to sustainable development.  A large body of knowledge exists in the form of data, statistics, and datasets, much of which is essential to ongoing development and security. Statistical and information literacy provide the basis for comparison, understanding, and forecasting conditions for economic and social development. Access to this type of data exists in a variety of venues from governments to multi-national corporations to small non-governmental organizations. Through formal presentations, this program will explore the availability of this type of information and the skills needed to access, understand and use statistical information for development.

The program will feature up to eight presentations. Papers should focus on the relationship between statistical literacy and how this skill can be applied to access to knowledge for development. Case studies, theoretical applications, and translational research will all be considered for inclusion in this program.

Language of the session:

Papers should be in one of the IFLA official languages. Because we are unsure whether the session will include simultaneous interpretation, we strongly recommend that any presentation slides be created in English, even if the presentation is delivered in one of the other official IFLA languages.

Important dates:

Proposals for papers must be submitted by December 31, 2009. Please include a title, and abstract of no more than 300 words as well as a brief biography for the speaker or speakers. All proposals will be reviewed by a committee representing both the Information Literacy Section and the Social Science Libraries Section.
Successful candidates will be notified by February 28, 2010 and must supply the full paper for the presentation by April 15, 2010 to allow time for the review of papers and preparation of translations. Details regarding the format and length of the final paper will be sent to candidates whose abstracts are accepted.

Send your proposals via email to:

[email protected]
Lynne Rudasill,
Chair of the Social Science Libraries Section



All proposals must be in before 31 December 2009.

Please note

There are no funds available through the sponsoring sections to assist prospective participants.  At least one of the paper's authors must be present to deliver a summary of the paper during the program in Gothenburg.  Abstracts should only be submitted with the understanding that the expenses of attending the Gothenburg conference will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers.

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors/presenters if that is required. 

Last update: 13 January 2010