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Call for Papers

Latin America and the Caribbean Section

Open access to knowledge and cultural heritage through libraries in Latin America and the Caribbean

The IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section invites potential presenters in the region (librarians, faculty, practitioners, and other interested parties) to participate in the 2-hour open session on this theme. Suggested topics for this session include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Open access to scientific research and cultural heritage
  • Copyright and copyleft
  • Creative commons and copyright
  • Information technologies and open access
  • Open access publishing
  • Local content and open access
  • Open access Policies and Practices
  • Open access legislation
  • Advocacy for open access to knowledge
  • Open access opportunities and challenges
  • Barriers to open access
  • Library and librarian roles in open access

Submission and session details:

  • Proposals must be original and have never been published elsewhere before.
  • The proposal should include a title, an abstract of no more than 500 words, plus a brief speaker(s) biography.
  • All proposals will be evaluated by a committee representing the IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section.
  • Papers would be in Spanish or English.
  • Papers should be of 20 pages maximum, double spaced.
  • Both abstracts and full papers should be submitted as a MS Word file by e-mail.
  • It is hoped that simultaneous interpretation will be available for this session, but we strongly recommend that the presentation slides are in English, even if the presentation is delivered in Spanish.
  • 20 minutes will be allowed for a summary delivery of the paper in the Conference; the full written paper should not to be read.

Please email your proposals to:

Filiberto Felipe Martínez
Chair IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section
e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]


Regina Célia Baptista Belluzzo
Secretary IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section
e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]


  • Three proposals will be selected and successful candidates will be notified by 28 February 2010
  • Speakers must supply the full paper by 30 April 2010 to allow time for the review of papers.
  • Speakers who wish to supply translations of their papers should send them by 31 May 2010.


All proposals must be in before 31 January 2010.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors/presenters if that is required. For collective papers, at least one of the authors must be present for the Conference.

Last update: 5 January 2010