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Call for Papers

Education and Training Section

Cooperation and Collaboration in Teaching and Research: Trends in Library and Information Studies Education

8-9 August 2010, Borås, Sweden

Organized by:

The Swedish School of Library and Information Science, Borås, Sweden
The IFLA sections for Education and Training (SET) and Library Theory and Research (LTR)
The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
The European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID)

The event

The Section for Education and Training (SET) and the Section for Library Theory and Research (LTR) of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID) aim to strengthen the opportunities for cooperation and collaboration between different Regional Areas of the world in order to improve the education and continuing professional development of library and information professionals.

This collaborative forum is being offered as a satellite event to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress being held 10-15 August 2010 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The conference will be hosted by the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Borås, Sweden, on 8-9 August 2010. It will build on the joint EUCLID-ALISE meeting held in Potsdam, Germany, 31 July-1 August 2003 (http://forge.fh-potsdam.de/EUCLID/).


Worldwide, LIS education faces the ongoing challenge of charting the future roles played by library and information professionals, during times of relentless socio-economic and technological change. As this formidable challenge transgresses national boundaries, it is important for the diverse approaches to LIS education to have a strong international dimension. The conference will focus on research and innovation in library and information science teaching and pedagogy, with the goal of creating a clearer understanding of the issues impacting on the international recognition of professional qualifications and the global mobility of students and graduates. The event seeks to attract LIS educators from many different countries of the world with the goal of exchanging of ideas about the opportunities for curriculum development and for research.

The IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID satellite meeting will focus on discussion about current projects in LIS education and research, and enable networking and the sharing of knowledge between the various audience groups. The objectives are:

  • To build bridges between different Regional Areas of the world
  • To promote internationalisation of LIS research and educational practice
  • To foster interest in innovative approaches to learning and teaching in the LIS discipline
  • To encourage mutual recognition of curricula and qualifications.

Satellite topics

Curriculum innovation

The adaptation of LIS education to the digital age is stimulating curriculum innovation, to establish a new professional profile and to encourage the extended role of library and information professionals. How are curricula in traditional LIS changing to incorporate the new educational needs? How are these new educational needs measured and analysed? Papers may discuss cross-institutional collaboration, formal curriculum review processes, with input from employers, practitioners and professional associations, as well as students and faculty, or focus on factors affecting LIS education in individual countries or in regional areas, such as convergence with Archives and Museum studies or with broader subject areas.

Digital universities and LIS education

Students are adopting cooperative ways of learning, while staff may draw on global expertise to address the need for contemporary approaches to teaching and learning. How are LIS students and staff benefiting from eLearning initiatives? Are new collaborative ways of learning compatible with the traditional university? How are joint courses, twin courses, and university consortia driving innovation in learning and teaching?

International sharing of resources

New tools and standards for learning resources enable LIS scholars to realise the potential of international knowledge banks, digital archives, libraries, and museums, and consortia of learning materials. How are these resources made available to a global audience of LIS scholars?

Academic staff

New challenges face LIS academics, in terms of the qualifications required (including research-based competence, technological proficiency, effectiveness in teaching, a sustained record of scholarship, and active participation in appropriate professional associations) and Faculty appointment processes (such as Review and Promotion Policies, and the continuing professional development of the teaching and research staff). Papers may discuss staff exchange programs or cooperative projects that encourage mentoring and support for new academics.


The IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID satellite meeting will be of interest to:

  • University faculty and staff working in the area of academic development
  • National and international planners working with university reform
  • Project leaders and administrative staff involved in curriculum innovation and eLearning
  • Professional agencies involved in academic course accreditation
  • Libraries associations, electronic and multimedia publishers, and information services developers with interests in education and training

Submission Guidelines

Full papers

Proposals for full papers must be submitted by 15 March 2010. (Call for papers is now closed)

Please submit:

  • The title of the proposed paper
  • Extended abstract of the proposed paper (500-1000 words)
  • Details of the presenter(s) (see below)

Poster presentations

Deadline Extended!  Proposals for poster presentations must be submitted by 1 May 2010.

Please submit:

  • The title of the proposed poster presentation
  • A description of the topic of the proposed poster presentation (300 words)
  • Details of the presenter(s) (see below)

Details of the presenter(s)

  • Name(s) of presenter(s)
  • Position or title of presenter(s)
  • Presenter(s) employer or affiliated institution
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone/fax numbers
  • Short biographical statement regarding the presenter(s)

English is the official language of the satellite meeting. All proposals, papers and posters should be written and presented in English.

Proposals for full papers and poster presentations should be sent by email with attachments to:

Dr Gillian Hallam
IFLA Section for Education and Training (SET)
email: [email protected]

Evaluation and notification of acceptance

All proposals will be evaluated by a refereeing committee representing the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID conference organisers. Successful candidates will be notified by 15 April 2010.

The full paper must be submitted by 30 May 2010 to allow time for the review of papers and the final preparation of the program. Details on the format and length of the final paper will be emailed to the successful candidates.

At least one of the authors must undertake to be present to deliver a summary of the paper or the poster at the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID satellite meeting in Borås.

EUCLID and the University of Zadar will take responsibility for editing and publishing the proceedings of the satellite conference.

Organizing Committee IFLA

Anna Maria Tammaro
Chair, Section for Education and Training
University of Parma, Italy

Terry Weech
Chair, Section for Library Theory and Research
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

Dr Gillian Hallam
Information Officer, Section for Education and Training
Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Professor Linda C. Smith
ALISE President, 2009-2010
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Kathleen Combs
Executive Director, ALISE
Chicago, IL, USA


Professor Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić
Chair, EUCLID Board
University of Zadar, Croatia
Professor Cristóbal Urbano
Member, EUCLID Board
University of Barcelona, Spain

Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS)

Professor Margareta Lundberg-Rodin
Head of School, SSLIS
University of Borås, Sweden

Further information

Please direct any queries about the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID satellite meeting to:

Dr Gillian Hallam
IFLA Section for Education and Training
Email: [email protected]


All proposals must be in before 15 March 2010.

Please note

The conference is not able to provide financial assistance to prospective authors. Proposals should only be submitted on the understanding that the expenses of attending the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID satellite meeting (including travel, accommodation, expenses and conference fees) will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers. Some employers and national professional associations may be able to help fund certain expenses.

Last update: 28 March 2010