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Call for Papers

Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section
& Indigenous Matters Special Interest Group

Libraries in a Multicultural Society – Possibilities for the future

Copenhagen, Denmark
17. - 18. August 2010

(Welcome reception on the evening of the 16th of August. Optional study trips on the 19th of August)

We are living in a changing world where populations are moving and local societies are becoming increasingly diverse - socially, economically, ethnically, linguistically and culturally. In the meantime, the physical library as a concept is under increasing pressure in the twenty-first century. Library services for indigenous communities are also being highlighted around the world in response to social needs, treaty rights, increasing publications by indigenous authors, and Native language revitalization and recovery. This offers unique opportunities for libraries to reinvent their position and services.

The Danish Library Centre for Integration and Copenhagen Public Libraries are organising this post conference/satellite meeting held in conjunction with the annual IFLA conference held in Gothenburg (Sweden). The post-conference is sponsored by IFLA's Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section and Indigenous Matters Special Interest Group.

The conference organising committee invites people to submit papers that explore and discuss the following topics:

  • Best innovative practice: Library projects that have excelled in creating new and innovative services to multicultural or bicultural populations either using new technology, new partnerships etc.
  • Critical perspectives on how libraries, as institutions in the twenty first century, meet the ideals: "free access to knowledge", "accessibility for all" and "inclusiveness". For instance:
    • Dynamic facilitation of books, music and films in minority or traditional languages and general library services to multilingual communities.
    • Inclusive communication strategies and awareness of the communicative aspects of physical space and presentation.
    • Recruitment strategies - how do we recruit library staff (on all levels) in the future, so that employees reflect the local community?
  • Indigenous populations: Library services developed by and with indigenous communities including new and continuing services, especially those that support indigenous language recovery and revitalization.


Interested parties are invited to submit an abstract of maximum 250 words in English no later than the 15th of March 2010.
Presentations will last 15-30 minutes followed by questions or discussions. The presentation language is English.

Please note that a presentation can be given orally but may also be a film, an audio presentation or a dramatization.

The abstract should include the title of the paper; name, position and employer of the presenter(s); email address; and telephone/fax numbers. Please attach a summary CV.
Send abstracts to: [email protected].

The conference organising committee will evaluate all submitted materials and successful applicants will be notified before 1 April 2010.

Accepted (written) papers must be between 3000 and 6000 words in length (films and other alternative papers must be sent in their full length). All final papers are due by 1 June 2010 in full. All papers will be published on the IFLA website.

For further information about papers, please write to:
[email protected]
or call Susy Tastesen, Copenhagen Public Libraries: +45 33 66 67 66 or Nicola Ravden, State & University Library: +45 23 41 18 65.

The satellite meeting will have its own website with information on the programme, speakers and also information about hotels and the city of Copenhagen. The website will be open from the 1st of March on:


The conference fee is € 150 for delegates and € 100 for presenters, who take part in the whole conference.


All proposals must be in before 15 March 2010.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors/presenters if that is required.

Last update: 6 March 2010