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Call for Papers

Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section

Open Access to parliamentary information

Stockholm, Sweden
7-9th August 2010

The IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section invites proposals for presentations at the Section's preconference programme in Stockholm, Sweden from the 7-9th of August, 2010. The main theme of the Stockholm pre-conference is: "Open Access to parliamentary information".  A session at the preconference will focus upon "Parliaments of the future" to think about how parliaments may change in the years ahead of us, and what that will mean for how parliamentary libraries will provide services. We would like several presentations, panels or workshops.

We invite proposals for papers, workshops or panels that present, analyse or discuss topics relating to Parliaments of the Future such as:

  • How Parliaments will look in the future
  • What that will mean for parliamentary libraries and research services
  • What role for parliamentary libraries and research services in shaping how citizens will engage with parliaments in the future to participate in debating important issues or shaping legislation
  • How will parliamentary libraries and research services support their parliaments in using new technology tools


Send an abstract (1 page or about 300 words), in English, of the proposed paper and relevant biographical information of the author(s)/presenter(s) by 15 March 2010.

Send your proposal via email to:

Moira Fraser
Chair, Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments
Email: [email protected]

The abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Standing Committee. Successful proposals will be identified by 12 April 2010. Full papers will be due by 14 June 2010 to allow time for review of papers and proposals for workshops or panels.

Depending upon the proposals received there may be a mix of short papers, and longer interactive sessions. Please indicate with your proposal how long you would like. The review committee will negotiate with proposers to ensure a balanced programme.


All proposals must be in before 15 March 2010.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors/presenters if that is required.

Last update: 10 March 2010