Call for Papers

Acquisition and Collection Development Section
& Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section

Global policies, Imperatives and Solutions for the Efficient Library Collection Management and Access to Less Used Documents


9-10 August 2012


Kuopio Academy of Design, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Piispankatu 8, FI-70101 Kuopio, Finland

Local organisers:
- Library of Savonia University of Applied Sciences
- University of Eastern Finland Library
- National Repository Library

Conference Theme and Focus

Digital material is becoming dominant in many libraries. Especially in universities engaged in research and teaching in STM subjects need to concentrate on digital content provision. At the same time economic constrains force libraries to make savings where ever they can. Savings can be made in profiled collection policies and profiled acquisitions. The costs of library premises are also a target of institutional economic consideration. Premises to accommodate print collections are being reduced and if possible local storage facilities should be rejected. One viable solution to maintain availability to print collections is outsourcing.

The National Repository Library of Finland has hosted the International Conference of Print Repositories and Repository Libraries on three occasions. During these conferences the need for efficient management of less used research documents on a global level has been highlighted as an issue. This demands new logistical and policy innovations in order to guarantee as easy access to these documents. The rise of the digital dissemination and new technologies has given libraries new tools, but at the same time the global copyright legislation continues to set new challenges for the libraries.

This satellite conference continues to focus on issues connected with efficient print collection management and guaranteeing access to print not as a curious artefact but as a genuine vehicle to communication with the best archival prospect.

Proposals for papers may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Experiences of keeping available less used print material
  • The policy and economic issues as a precursor to action
  • The promise of new technologies enabling easy and fast access: digitisation on demand, patron initiated processes, delivery to end users
  • Ensuring access to research resources with innovative solutions
  • Economic downturn and the need for cost-effective collection and access management: examples of externalisation of services
  • The economics of the global division of labour in storage and access collaboration in action

The conference language is English.


If you are interested in contributing a paper, please send the following, in electronic format (preferably via e-mail):

  • An abstract of 300-500 words in English including a title
  • An outline of the paper
  • Brief biographical information of the author(s)/presenter(s) with current employment information (maximum 150 words)
  • Contact details including mailing address, email address, telephone and /or fax numbers


Submit your proposal to the address below by 17 February 2012:

Pentti Vattulainen
E-mail: [email protected]

Important dates

17 February 2012: Deadline for submitting proposals.

1st March 2012: The submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee of the Standing Committees of the Acquisition and Collection Development Section and the Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section. The selection will be based on the abstracts and rated on how well they fit the programme theme. Authors will be contacted by 1st March 2012.

15th May 2012: For successful applicants the deadline for submission of full papers is 15th May 2012 to allow time for review.

More Information

For more information please visit the conference site at:


All proposals must be in before 17 February 2012.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Finnish National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information is available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 8 February 2012