Call for Papers

Bibliography Section

Opening up the bibliography for the future

For the Open Session of the Bibliography Section, we invite presentations concerning the future of bibliographies.

National bibliographies have played a vital role in recording the cultural heritage of their countries. The character of bibliographies has been changing as media production, technology and libraries have been changing.

What will or can future bibliographies look like and what will users expect from (national) bibliographies today or tomorrow?

Program Theme and Focus

Opening up the bibliography for the future

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • New types of metadata: New kinds of metadata are needed, e.g. license or access information, information about the presentation of digital objects, etc. What should be included in the bibliography?
  • Accessibility: Do you think about semantic web approaches? Are you using/planning new business models (open data) to allow free access, cooperation and repurpose?
  • Collaboration: Who is responsible for the data creation (e.g. national bibliographic agencies, cooperation with publishers, integration and sharing of metadata)? What are the models of cooperation?
  • User needs: Who are the users and what are their needs? (information needs and requirements, recent use case examples)
  • Repurpose: What is the possible repurpose of the data?
  • Do we really need bibliographies in the future? (measuring the effectiveness of national bibliographies-coverage and usage, including other kinds of bibliographies as well)

Submission Guidelines

Three or four successful proposals will be identified.

Proposals for presentations should be in English and include:

  • Title of the paper;
  • Detailed abstract of the paper (no more than 500 words), if possible accompanied by some references such as URLs and bibliographies;
  • Speaker's name, address, telephone and fax numbers, professional affiliation, e-mail address, and a brief biographical statement of no more than 50 words.

E-mail proposals should be sent no later than 31st of January the extended deadline 05th of March to: [email protected]

Successful proposals will be identified and presenters notified by 20th of March. Papers will be required for approval by the Chair and Secretary of the Bibliography Section no later than 18th of May 2013.

Final Papers

Presenters will be expected to submit the final version of their paper (no longer than 10 pages, in Microsoft Word, including a short abstract) 15th of May.

Papers should be in English or in one of the official IFLA languages, with an English translation attached. The language of the session will be English. Presenters will have 20 minutes in the programme session to deliver their papers, and time will be allowed for an open forum to allow audience interaction.

Important dates

5 March 2013:Deadline for submission of proposals
20 March 2013:Notification of acceptance
15 May 2013:Deadline for submission of the final version of the paper
18 May 2013:Final approval of Papers



All proposals must be in before 5 March 2013.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Singapore National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 12 February 2013