Call for Papers

National Organizations and International Relations Special Interest Group

Re-defining International Relations

IFLA's National Organizations and International Relations Special Interest Group (NOIR SIG) invites submissions for papers to be presented during a 2 hour open session at the 2013 IFLA Congress, to be held in Singapore, 17-23 August.

Copyright, e-lending, information literacy, inter-culturality – these and many more issues have global impact and affect our daily library work in a steadily increasing way. Although more  university libraries and public libraries look for international collaborations, the necessity of global networking and involvement in international relations has not yet reached the whole library community. How do international relations offices in national libraries and national associations react to this demand? What is the role of the national organisations in facing these challenges?   How are other international organizations supporting the international relations activities of their members?  The session will demonstrate the importance of international involvement for libraries by providing concrete examples, and will seek responses to a number of questions about the current state of international relations activities at national level. 

Proposals should include:

  • title of the paper
  • name of speaker(s), with email address, professional affiliation, and brief biography
  • abstract of the paper – no more than 500 words

Proposals must be made in English.  Presentations should be maximum 20 minutes in length; time will be alloted in the session for questions and answers.  A review team will evaluate all submissions and make the final decisions on content.  Full papers will be made available on the IFLA website.

Important dates

Friday, 15 February 2013Proposal submission deadline
Monday, 11 March 2013Notification of acceptance
Friday, 31 May 2013Submission of completed paper

Submission guidelines

Proposals should be sent by email to Kelly Moore: [email protected]

The subject line must indicate:  IFLA 2013 NOIR SIG proposal


All proposals must be in before 15 February 2013.

Please note

Pre-conference registration fees will be waived for the speakers. However, it is the speakers' responsibility to find funding for travel, accommodation and associated costs, which IFLA and its Sections are not in a position to fund.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Singapore National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 18 December 2012