Attend the IFLA President's Session: Lyon Declaration to be launched!

Attend the IFLA President's Session: Lyon Declaration to be launched!

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18 August, 09:30-12:45



IFLA President Sinikka SipiläThe IFLA President’s Session is a great opportunity for delegates to learn more about the current Presidential Theme and gain insight into its development. 


9.30 – 10.00 Launch of the Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development

The Lyon Declaration calls upon United Nations Member States to make an international commitment through the post-2015 development agenda for the Sustainability Development Goals to ensure that everyone has access to, and is able to understand, use and share the information that is necessary to promote sustainable development and democratic societies. It was prepared by IFLA and a number of strategic partners in the library and development communities.

The Declaration will be launched by IFLA President Sinikka Sipilä and the Mayor of Lyon, Gérard Collomb.

10.00 – 12.45 Strong Libraries = Strong Societies: e-participation for strong information societies

Building on the IFLA Trend Report, invited speakers will further develop themes that contribute to a strong information society and in which libraries play a role, such as: the high value of literacy and information literacy skills; incorporating local content into creativity, entrepreneurship and publishing; and citizen and multi-stakeholder participation in civic engagement and the transformation of societies.

Last update: 18 August 2014