Call for Papers

Knowledge Management Section

Knowledge Management and innovation: the transformation of 21st century library services


14 August 2015


Goethe-Centre, Cape Town, South Africa


Knowledge Management Section

Conference focus

In the 21st century Knowledge Management gradually penetrates all kinds of organizations and their respective libraries. This trend depicts the shift from the traditional library and information services to the combination of library and knowledge management services. Innovative approaches to library services may give librarians an edge in developing the tools of Knowledge Management that may be a critical component in serving the needs of 21st century innovators.

The Satellite Meeting will consider how knowledge management may be the key to successful innovation and transform organizations to support the future of the library profession. It will particularly focus on the developments of knowledge management in libraries in low income countries in Africa and elsewhere.

Examples of possible themes

Possible topics of discussion and presentation during the Satellite Meeting include:

  • New role of libraries as innovation agents
  • Innovation for services to patrons and innovation in the corporate culture of the organization
  • Data-driven innovation
  • Economic value of data and research data management
  • Reaching out to patrons
  • Capturing the organizational knowledge and making it available for reuse
  • Disruptive digital technologies and digital scholarship support
  • New metadata and cataloguing rules
  • New forms of publications

Librarians, information specialists and professionals, knowledge managers, researchers and other professionals interested in knowledge management are invited to submit proposals for presentations on the above mentioned topics as well as to other similar to the central idea of the conference.

The KM Section welcomes case studies and theoretical papers from different contexts, e.g. different types of libraries, libraries reporting to companies, organizations, cultural institutions, public sector and independent institutions.

The Satellite Meeting will select two or three themes with keynote speakers to introduce them.

Submissions and selection process

Should you be interested in contributing, please provide:

  • Name and affiliation of presenter(s)
  • The title of the paper
  • An abstract of the paper or presentation of 300-500 words, in English
  • Brief biographical information of presenter(s)
  • Contact information including email address

Please send your proposals by 31 January 2015 to Eva Semertzaki at email addresses: [email protected], or [email protected]

The submitted material will be reviewed by a program planning committee derived from the Knowledge Management Section Standing Committee. The selection will be based on the abstracts and rated on how well they fit the program theme.

Communication of acceptance of the papers will be sent out by 15 March 2015.

The deadline for submission of the full text of papers is 31 May 2015 to allow time for review of papers and all other organizational requirements. Preferably the papers may be original submissions, not published elsewhere, and should be no longer than 15 pages, double-spaced. Presentations should not take longer than 25 minutes. The author is encouraged to use PowerPoint for the presentation. The official language of the Satellite Meeting and its presentations will be English.

In accordance with IFLA’s Open Access Statement all papers presented at the Satellite Meeting will be available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) license. Authors of submitted papers will need to sign IFLA’s Author form.

The papers and presentations will be made available through the websites of the IFLA Library or the KM.

For information on the IFLA Knowledge Management Section, please refer to:

For additional information you may contact:
Eva Semertzaki
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Important dates

Submission of proposals and abstracts: 31 January 2015

Notification to authors: 15 March 2015

Submission of full text: 31 May 2015


All proposals must be in before 31 January 2015.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the full conference, travel, accommodation, etc. are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA or the IFLA KM Section. Registration will be required but the Satellite Meeting will not charge a registration fee. Lunch and other refreshments on the day of the Satellite Meeting will be provided.

Last update: 26 November 2014