Call for Papers

Latin America and the Caribbean Section

Libraries in Latin America and the Caribbean: agents of social transformation and development

Español | français

The IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section invites interested professionals in different areas of Library and Information Sciences to submit proposals for the open session to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 15-21 August 2015.


The topics covered in the session will be the following:

  1. Social Inclusion in libraries
  2. Social value of libraries
  3. Social responsibility of libraries and librarians
  4. Libraries and librarians as agents of social transformation
  5. Democratic access to the information and freedom of expression
  6. Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals in institutions of the region
  7. Actions for Sustainable Development in Libraries
  8. Libraries as mediators of knowledge and local information
  9. Innovation in library services
  10. New professional roles
  11. Advocacy of the library/librarian profession
  12. Building communities across the libraries

Proposals should include:

  • Title;
  • An abstract between 800 to 1000 words in English or Spanish;
  • Personal information (name, email, phone, complete address);
  • Institutional data (position and institution);
  • Indication of the preferred presentation language (Spanish or English);
  • Number of topic selected

All proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee appointed by the Latin America and the Caribbean Section.

Tips for authors:

Abstracts should include the following elements:

  1. Introduction: briefly address the issue, the problem, the reason, objectives and major published research about the subject (s);
  2. Materials and Methods: succinctly present the materials and methods used, population and sample, techniques, instruments and procedures for data collection and analysis procedures;
  3. Partial Results / Final: succinctly present the results sought and / or obtained so far;
  4. Considerations Partial / Final: succinctly present insights made so far, the relevant aspects of the work and recommendations as necessary;
  5. References: present the works of the authors cited in the text.

Information about the presentations:

Papers must be an original paper and not published elsewhere.

Papers can be written and presented in English or Spanish.

The work will have a maximum of 20 pages, double-spaced.

The abstract and the paper should be sent via email in a MS Word file.

Information about LAC session in Cape Town:

It is expected to have simultaneous translation for this session, however, is recommended that the slides are presented in English, even if the presentation is in Spanish.

Authors will have 20 minutes to present their work, prepare a concise presentation including its relevant aspects. Paper should not be read only. 5 minutes will be allowed for discussion with the audience.

Authors accepted must present their papers in person at WLIC 2015 Cape Town.

IFLA has the rights to publish and distribute selected papers by different means. Papers and presentations will be included on the IFLA Library under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (CC BY 3.0) Authors of submitted papers will need to sign IFLA’s Author form.

For more information visit our section

Submission of proposals

Please send proposals by 15 February 2015 to:
Sigrid Karin Weiss Dutra, Chair, Latin America and the Caribbean Section
Email: [email protected]


Silvia Cecilia Anselmi, Secretary, Latin America and the Caribbean Section
Email: [email protected]

When you send your email please indicate "IFLA WLIC 2015 Proposal" in the subject.

Please respect the rules of the present call for papers.

Important dates

15 February 2015: Submission deadline
1 April 2015: Proposals will be evaluated and notification to the authors will be sent
17 May 2015: Successful speakers should send the full text of their papers (so that the jury has time to review and suggest appropriate adjustments)
14 June 2015: The final paper must be submitted
28 June 2015: Speakers must send translations of their work


All proposals must be in before 15 February 2015.

Please note

Accepted proposals involve a moral commitment to participate in the Congress. In case there are several authors, at least one must be present in the session to present the paper.

All expenses, including visas, travel, accommodation and conference registration, etc. are the responsibility of the authors/presenters.

No financial support can be provided by IFLA or IFLA LAC, but a special invitation letter can be issued to authors if that is required.

Congress Participation Grants

List of opportunities for support is available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 17 December 2014