IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section is happy to announce that its annual conference will be held in October 2024, in Madrid, Spain, hosted by the Spanish Senate.

This year’s conference focus will be on leveraging Collective Expertise for Innovation and Impact in Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services. Attendees will have the opportunity to exchange new ideas, best practices and solutions on challenges that arise in the parliamentary libraries and research services, in an era of fast and vast technological developments in the information field.

During this two-day event, we aim to connect more and create new opportunities for networking, in order to increase effectiveness in the field of work, promote openness and transparency, and develop and promote solid standards in providing information and knowledge to parliaments.

Conference Information


Leveraging Collective Expertise for Innovation and Impact in Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services


Thursday and Friday, October 17-18, 2024


Senado de España (Spanish Senate): Palacio del Senado, Calle de Bailén, 3, Madrid, Spain

Conference focus

The Conference focus is on Leveraging Collective Expertise for Innovation and Impact in Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services. Presentations and posters are expected to support the following topics:

Innovation and New Practices for Enhanced Service Delivery

  • Latest practices and solutions that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of parliamentary libraries and research services;
  • Case studies and lessons learned from implementing new technologies, methodologies, or organizational changes;
  • Successful collaborations, partnerships, and cross-organizational initiatives that have led to improved services and increased resources;
  • Understanding and meeting the evolving needs of users;
  • Innovative methods for gathering user feedback, assessing satisfaction and adapting services;
  • Communication and marketing strategies to ensure services are known, accessible and relevant;
  • Best approaches to optimize the use of limited resources.

Collective Expertise in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

  • Explore the role of artificial intelligence in parliamentary libraries and research services;
  • Present AI tools use and/or new technologies;
  • Discuss the ethical, practical, and strategic implications of AI integration in our field;
  • Envision the future landscape shaped by AI advancements;


  • Reflect on the evolving role of parliamentary libraries and research services in a rapidly changing world;
  • Discuss strategies for professional growth, adaptability, and embracing new challenges in the age of fast technological developments;
  • Inspire colleagues to step out of their comfort zones and drive meaningful change in their organizations.

For proposal submission, please link to the Call for Presentations.


English, Spanish

English/Spanish and Spanish/English interpretation will be provided for the live presentations

Posters, slides and powerpoint presentations should be in English

Travel information

Visa requirements for visiting Spain
Visas for Spain | Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación

Information regarding travelling to Spain
Condiciones de entrada en España | administracion.gob.es 

This page will keep being updated, as more information on the conference become available. To keep up to date, visit our Get Involved page and follow us on our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter).

For any questions, please contact: [email protected] and [email protected].