Title (Provisional): Planning and Implementing Transliteracy in Libraries for Lifelong Learning

Editors: Prudence W. Dalrymple, Alessia Zanin-Yost, and Heather Todd

The Invitation: Proposals are sought for chapters in a book about the impact of transliteracy in libraries on lifelong learning to be published as part of the IFLA Publications Series by De Gruyter Saur. The book will examine how information is used in different formats together and the information competencies required, rather than using a specific literacy tied to a particular medium, such as textual, digital, or visual literacy.

The Context: Finding, using, and creating information is part of everyday activity. Learning how to do so effectively is essential to support lifelong learning. Learning and information have been transformed through new approaches and various media. Transliteracy is the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks. (Thomas et al. 2007). Skills and knowledge in transliteracy enable lifelong learning.

The proposed book will highlight case studies and collaborative endeavours with peers, other professionals, and communities focusing on transliteracy. The chapters will be diverse in terms of content, geography, experiences, and practices; however, the primary focus will be on how transliteracy was planned and integrated and how it supports the concept of lifelong learning for the population or community the library serves. Submission from first-time authors is encouraged. Submitted works should not have been previously published or under consideration from another publisher.

Topics may include but are not limited to:

• Teaching and learning to enhance lifelong competencies

• Developing experiences that engage people to become informed consumers and producers of information

• Offering equitable opportunity and access to information through various media

• Practising transliteracy by teaching students how to find, evaluate, use, and create information in various formats

• Programmes provided in-person and virtually

• Use of technology, makerspaces, or laboratories to enhance transliteracy

• Collaborative projects or programmes on the diffusion, implementation, and creation of material or tools relevant to transliteracy

Got an idea? Tell us about it.

How to Submit Your Proposal: Please submit an abstract no longer than 200 words, double spaced, written in UK English. A scholarly style is to be adopted, avoiding the use of the first person. Include the title of the proposed submission, name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation and contact information with mailing address and email address, as well as a short biography of the main author.

Final chapters should be 7,000-10,000 word long using Chicago style. Guidelines will be provided.

Submit your proposal to Alessia Zanin-Yost, [email protected]

Please contact any one of the editors for further information: Heather Todd, [email protected] or Prudence Dalrymple, [email protected]

Deadline for submission of proposals: March 31, 2021

Authors will be notified of acceptance April 30, 2021

Draft chapters due July 12, 2021

Completed chapters due September 30, 2021

Expected publication is March 2022

“Transliteracy Crossing Divides,” Thomas, Sue, Chris Joseph, Jess Laccetti, Bruce Mason, Soman Mills, Simon Perril, and Kate Pullinger, https://firstmonday.org/article/view/2060/1908