IFLA/UNESCO Public Library ManifestoOn 29 November 2018 we will mark 24 years since the IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was ratified in 1994. As we move towards celebrating the 25th anniversary in 2019, public libraries and public librarians everywhere are being asked to reflect on how the Manifesto relates to their library and to share this on social media.  In particular we would like to have a concentrated social media campaign on Thursday 29 November 2018 which marks the beginning of the lead up to the 25th Anniversary. 

Why is the Manifesto important?

The Manifesto proclaims UNESCO's belief in the public library as a living force for education, culture and information, and as an essential agent for the fostering of peace and spiritual welfare through the minds of men and women. It identifies the public library as being central to freedom and equity of access to knowledge and information for all people.

How can my library be part of this?

  • Identify the part/s of the Manifesto that ‘speaks’ to you or your library. The Missions give you lots of options and so do the general principles.
  • Find a photograph that demonstrates this – or if you are supporting the Manifesto as an individual use a photograph of you! 
  • Add the 25th Anniversary logo and the hashtag #publiclibrarymanifesto. The Logo is available on our website
  • Make sure to add your library name and location your post so we can create a global picture of how important the manifesto is everywhere!
  • IFLA is collecting longer examples of how the Manifesto has shaped laws, policies, and strategies. You can find some initial ideas in our article published on 29 November. Get in touch with  Stephen Wyber [email protected] if you want to share your story! 

Over the next 12 months the IFLA Public Libraries Section will be consulting with the international public library community as we review the Manifesto and we look forward to your input.

For more information on the campaign, visit our website.