The webinar is organized by the joint team of two IFLA Sections – Information Literacy (IL) and School Libraries (SL) – and is delivered online within the programs of celebrations and initiatives for the Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022, promoted by UNESCO, and the International School Library Month 2022, promoted by the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL).

The webinar explores the school librarians’ education and training on MIL and their instructional role as MIL experts and educators, who can enable pupils and students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, creative persons, aware and active citizens.

Webinar Date: October 24, 2022, 15:00-17:00 Paris time (@ IFLA Zoom

Webinar Agenda

15:00   Welcome (by the two Sections’ Chair)

First Session chaired by Ning Zou (IFLA IL)

15:10 Journeying through the Information Literacy Landscape in United States School Libraries, Jennifer Moore, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Director, School Librarian Certification Program, University of North Texas, USA)

15:30 Media and Information Literacy at the international schools in Malaysia, Mayasari Abdul Majid, Ph.D. (Senior Librarian, Tzu Chi International School Kuala Lumpur) and Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan, Ph.D. (Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)

15:50 School librarians’ training and optimal information literacy delivery: the Nigerian experience, Grace Onyebuchi (Lecturer, University of Nigeria, Nigeria)

Second Session chaired by Valérie Glass (IFLA SL)

16:10 Information Literacy: Training for School Librarians of the BERA Program, Alejandro Oscar Micalucci, Coordinator of the BERA Program (Argentine Republic School Library Network), Biblioteca Nacional de Maestras y Maestros, Argentina

16:30 School librarians teaching information literacy in Slovenia, Polona Vilar, Ph.D. (Professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Dept. of LIS & Book Studies, Slovenia)

16:50 Live Q&A Session with Presenters

17:00 Final Remarks and closing by the Chairs of the IL and SL Sections.

Free admittance, prior online registration via Zoom by October 23, 2022.

Webinar registration link:

Info: [email protected]

A certificate of attendance will be issued upon request.

IFLA Webinar Organizing Team: Valérie Glass (France), Luisa Marquardt (Italy), Caroline Peron (France), Hans-Petter Storemyr (Norway), Qiong Tang (China), Marios Zervas (Cyprus) and Ning Zou (USA).