
4414 items

EU Digital Assembly 2017 – Libraries As Relevant As Ever in the Internet Age

24 June 2017

    This year’s European Digital Assembly took place in Malta, bringing together representatives of the EU, national governments, business and civil society. It focused on the opportunities and challenges raised by the development of the digital economy, and how policy makers should respond. Libraries have a clear role in ensuring that the Internet develops in a way that benefits everyone.

    IFLA marks World Refugee Day

    20 June 2017

      On World Refugee Day, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions wishes to highlight the richness and vibrancy of an inclusive and open society by reminding how libraries play an integral role in democratization and integration. IFLA believes that open societies are healthy societies and that libraries guarantee basic human rights by enabling access to information and knowledge for all.

      Open Access, Public Access, Meaningful Access: Libraries heard at WSIS Forum and Human Rights Council

      19 June 2017

        Article 19 of the Universal Convention on Human Rights offers freedom of access to information for all. IFLA’s presence at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2017 and the 35th Session of the Human Rights Council allowed delegates to hear the library perspective on three aspects of access to information – open, public and meaningful.