
4414 items

Different Paths, Same Principles – Discussing Library Codes of Ethics

23 December 2016

    The work of libraries in providing access to knowledge is not a simple one. As well as much discussed constraints linked to levels of funding, staffing and copyright laws, librarians and library workers must also solve questions where fundamental rights and principles come into play. At recent events, FAIFE Chair Martyn Wade has shared IFLA's work on ethics and freedom of expression.

    IFLA signs agreements with 50 countries to work towards getting Libraries included in National Development Plans

    21 December 2016

      IFLA’s capacity-building International Advocacy Programme (IAP) is now fully underway. “50 countries have joined IFLA in this journey, and are already making progress towards promoting and supporting the role libraries can play in the planning and implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, IFLA President Donna Scheeder.

      Unnecessary and Disproportionate: IFLA President Donna Scheeder Calls for End to Proceedings against Natalya Sharina

      15 December 2016

        In October 2015, Natalya Sharina, Director of the Library of Ukrainian literature in Moscow, was arrested and charged on suspicion of inciting hatred or animosity towards a social group. The justification? Allegedly holding banned books in the library she ran. IFLA President Donna Scheeder has written once again to the judge and prosecutor, calling for the case to be brought to an end.

        Access to Public Legal Information at Risk without Government Action: New IFLA Statement

        14 December 2016

          Access to public legal information is essential if citizens are to understand, engage in, and influence how the decisions that affect them are made. With governments increasingly moving to digital-only provision of laws, regulations and standards, making sure that these are free, trustworthy, and preserved for the future is vital. A new IFLA Statement makes recommendations to this end.

          Give Access, Don’t Take it Away – Libraries Take Position on EU Marrakesh Ratification

          13 December 2016

            After close engagement in the negotiation of the Marrakesh Treaty, culminating in its signature in 2013, libraries are now working to realise its promise. As part of its efforts to ensure that implementation matches the ambition of the Treaty, IFLA, alongside EBLIDA, has set out is position on the European Union's proposals for ratification.