
4412 items

IFLA Rare Book and Special Collections Section launches global survey

9 August 2022

    The IFLA Rare Books and Special Collections Section (RBSC) would like to investigate what standards, norms, practices, laws, Return On Investment (ROI) studies, and research exist around the world to measure the different values of Special Collections, and identify the gaps where such information does not exist, with a view to draft and publish a report that can be a guide to cultural heritage institutions to formulate the questions to ask if they want to measure the value of their Special Collections as a tool for advocacy. 

    2022 IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Award winners

    8 August 2022

      A dynamic Professional Unit has the greatest impact on IFLA’s global work – engaging members, developing strong leadership and identity, delivering high-quality services with a measurable impact, and communicating activities within IFLA and beyond. The Professional Committee launched the Dynamic Unit and Impact Award (DUIA) in 2018 to recognise the Professional Units who have excelled in putting Dynamic Unit expectations into practice.

      Joint statement by IFLA and SIGL

      31 July 2022

        Both Boards recognise the importance of the relationship and have discussed how they will continue to work collaboratively in the future and effectively to achieve their shared outcomes.

        IFLA WLIC 2022: Day One Highlights!

        26 July 2022

          Day one of IFLA WLIC 2022 welcomed over 2000 delegates from 100 countries to Dublin, Ireland, setting an enthusiastic tone for the days ahead at the Opening Session. Here are some highlights from the session.