
4412 items

New President of the Library Association of Singapore

15 May 2021

    If you took a look at my background, there were elements that possibly led to my becoming in late 2018, the Head Librarian of the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM); and then in 2019, the Vice-President of the Library Association of Singapore (2019 to 2021); and ultimately, as of 27 March 2021, the President of the Library Association of Singapore, a post that I will hold up to 2023.

    Report of IFLA Governing Board meetings, Jan - April 2021

    30 April 2021

      The Governing Board continues to meet more regularly than in the past and has had four meetings since my last report to you in December. We are still working with the traditional pattern of August – December – April meetings containing the major reports on activities and statutory requirements.

      IFLA Elections 2021 now open

      26 April 2021

        Today, elections open for key posts across IFLA. Following a great response to our call for nominations, there is a strong and diverse set of candidates ready to take IFLA’s work forward.