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Equity, Inclusion and Metadata

20 March 2024

    This month, the IFLA Newsletter focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It seems a good moment to explain why six IFLA committees are sponsoring a proposal to create an IFLA network dedicated to the topic of accessibility metadata.

    IFLA’s MCULTP Section: Contributions towards DEI initiatives

    20 March 2024

      The IFLA MCULTP (Library Services to Multicultural Populations) section is one of the few IFLA sections whose mandate is directly aligned with DEI. While Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is experienced and practiced in differently across the globe, many common grounds exist that can provide a foundation and basis for concerted efforts amongst LIS professionals internationally.

      Metropolitan Libraries: A view to inclusion and representation

      20 March 2024

        As the IFLA section that explores the role of libraries within urban areas, the Metropolitan Libraries (METLIB) Section focuses on how libraries can be agents of urban development and catalysts of civic engagement. The world is a collection of disparate faiths, origins, identities, backgrounds, and beliefs. While every country and region may have ones that are culturally dominant, it is in the largest cities that you often encounter the broadest spectrum of humanity.

        Inclusive subject terms are critical for equitable access to library materials

        19 March 2024

          Subject metadata forms a critical access point in bibliographic and other information systems, providing access through search terms and browsing or filtering through subject links. Typically, libraries use standardized knowledge organization systems to provide better access to information resources. However, many of these standardized systems are problematic because they include outdated, harmful, exclusionary, or critical terms may not be present at all in thesauri or vocabularies. Problematic terms can negatively impact library users of all kinds. There is an increasing recognition of the need for more equitable and inclusive language subject metadata. The Subject Analysis and Access Section (SAA) has taken up several initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion regarding subject access.