Call for Papers

Africa Section

Building capacities in LIS: African and Caribbean reflections


9–10 August 2011


Blue Horizon Hotel, Barbados

Scope of the Session

Papers are expected to relate to issues concerning the practice of librarianship and information management within a Southern context.  While the event will concentrate on African and Caribbean experiences, proposals that relate to librarianship within Southern environments will be considered. Papers that specifically examine South-South concerns will be especially welcomed.  Presentations can be related to any type of library practice.  Papers that privilege the use of indigenous knowledge and socio-cultural practices and expressions in terms of librarianship from the perspective of the South will be especially welcomed.  The list below suggests possibilities for presentation proposals.  However the programme committee is willing to consider other topics that relate to the theme of the event:

  • Open access in Africa and Caribbean comparative analysis*
  • Management of indigenous knowledge from African and Caribbean perspectives
  • Training and skills development in a cross-cultural/multicultural environment
  • Continuous education in South -South Context
  • Caribbean or African heritage – Protection vs. economic exploitation
  • eBooks – e.g. what are the issues for developing countries
  • eResources
  • Marketing library services
  • Persevering popular culture
  • Sustainable preservation of popular culture
  • Digital librarianship in developing countries
  • Advocacy on behalf of our libraries
  • Information flows: south-south issues
  • Impact of social media on libraries in developing countries

*an African/Caribbean panel is being suggested for this topic


Should be in English and include:

  • Title of the paper
  • A detailed abstract of the paper (no more than 500 words), if possible accompanied by some references such as URLs and bibliographies.
  • Speaker's name, address, telephone and fax numbers, professional affiliation, e-mail address, and a brief biographical statement of no more than 50 words.

E-mail proposal to Lindi Nhlapo [email protected] and Elizabeth Watson ([email protected]) no later than 30 May 2011 and indicate “IFLA 2011 Barbados proposal” or the equivalent in the subject line. Successful proposals will be identified and presenters notified by 15 June 2011.

Final Papers

Presenters will be expected to submit the final version of their paper (no longer than 10 pages, in Microsoft Word, including a short abstract) by 30 July 2011 to Authors will have 20 minutes at the programme in Barbados to deliver their presentation, followed by time for questions and discussion.


All proposals must be in before 30 May 2011.

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors to assist them in obtaining funding. Presenters are advised to approach their parent organizations for sponsorship.

Last update: 18 April 2011