7 June 2011

Call for Action: Get involved with the IFLA World Report


Are you interested in the IFLA World Report? It is a great source of information about the state of libraries, copyright, freedom of access to information and the digital divide.

But we need your help to fill in some gaps and make it even better!

The 77th IFLA Conference in Puerto Rico is launching the first session devoted to the World Report and its supporters.

This session will be structured with a round of quick presentations and the award of the best poster on the World Report.

Is there a library in your community that has made an extraordinary contribution (i.e. success story) involving one of the following categories?

  • Libraries as access point
  • Libraries as ICT learning centres
  • Libraries for continuing education
  • Libraries for specific needs
  • Libraries for cultural heritage

If so, please compose a narrative of 1000-2000 words and prepare a 3—4 slide power point presentation and share your results with us.

Or do you think that creativity is your best quality? Then prepare a poster along with the (1000-2000 word) narrative.

The best poster/presentation will receive a certificate, an IFLA T-shirt and a PDF version of the poster/presentation will appear in the World Report database.  All the narrative reports will be incorporated in the World Report database.

Please submit your entries (posters/slides & narrative) before 10 July to Federica Marangio.

Come and meet us Wednesday the 17th of August 2011 from 11.45 to 12.45 in Room 208!

We will have a World of fun!

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected]