Call for Papers

Education and Training Section
& Preservation and Conservation Section
& Information Technology Section

Education for digital curation


Colleagues from around the world are invited to submit an abstract for consideration for a paper to be presented at the SET Open Session.  

The IFLA Section for Education and Training (SET) seeks papers for its Open Session, co-sponsored by the International Council on Archives Section for Archival Education and Training (ICA-SAE) with the IFLA Section for Preservation and Conservation and the IFLA Infomation Technology Section, onthe topic Education for digital curation. This topic has been chosen in accordance with the main theme of the conference, "Libraries beyond libraries: Integration, Innovation and Information for all" under the Congress Track, ‘Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new’

We are particularly keen to have papers and perspectives from educators and students teaching and learning about digital information, and practitioners from a wide range of library sectors (e.g. public, academic, school, special) and archives working with digital information.  Research and practice based papers must be original and could cover the educational aspects of issues such as:  

  • how is digital curation taught? What are the issues involved in teaching digital curation and how are these addressed?
  • education for digital curation and education for the digital library and other digital information resources such as archive and museum collections : common competencies, different approaches
  • education for active management of data over the life-cycle of scholarly communication
  • education for digital long-term preservation
  • education for new legal responsibilities in the digital environment: web publishing, reproducibility and re-use
  • IT profiles for digital curation: education for Information Technology competencies and skills
  • evaluation of digital curation courses, teaching methods, benchmarking and government policies.

Language of the session: The paper should be in one of the IFLA official languages. It is intended that the presentation and slides are in English, but if the presentation is delivered in one of the other official languages, then the slides should be in English.

Important dates and information:  Proposals for papers must be submitted to Graham Matthews: [email protected] by: 28th February 2011.The proposal should clearly indicate the Call for papers of the SET session. All proposals will be evaluated by a refereeing committee representing the Programme Planning Committee:

IFLA SET: Graham Matthews, Anna Maria Tammaro, Mai Poldaas, S.B. Ghosh
ICA SAE: Geir Magnus Waiderhaug,
IFLA IT: Alenka Kavčič-Čolić
IFLA Conservation and Preservation: Per Cullhed

Proposals must include the following information:

  • Name and institution of speaker(s)
  • Contact information for speaker(s)
  • Brief biographical information
  • Proposal title
  • Brief (500 word) abstract of the proposal
  • Language of presentation

Successful candidates will be notified by 21st March 2011and must supply the full paper by 23rdMay 2011 to allow time for publication of papers on the IFLA website and preparation of translationsDetails on the format and length of the final paper will be emailed to those candidates whose abstracts are accepted.

A separate call for papers has been issued for the Section’s off-site session, Internships and placements for the new information society, organised with the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan.

At least one of the paper's authors must undertake to be present to deliver a summary of the paper during the Section's programme in San Juan.


All proposals must be in before 28 February 2011.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.  SET has no funds to assist prospective presenters.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Puerto Rico National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Please check our Conference Participation Grants webpage for the most up-to-date information.

Last update: 11 February 2011