Call for Papers

Acquisition and Collection Development Section

Maximising collection development of electronic and print media in the digital environment: Opportunities for collaboration, strategic partnerships and patron initiated collecting models


Conference Theme and Focus

Due to the evolution of new technologies, the proportion of digital material within the libraries’ collections has been steadily increasing. As libraries across the world face financial pressure they must look to maximise their existing print and electronic collections in the digital environment. The evaluation of collection building should be measured by, for example, return on investment and the needs of various user communities. What are the benefits to libraries in the knowledge society of integrating digital and print collections and undertaking collaborative digitization projects? How do “hybrid collections” meet local user needs? Are there tools to optimize collection building, e.g. pay-per-view, patron-driven acquisition, e-only policies, e-media usage and overlap statistical reports? What will publisher’s policies for licensing digital material look like in the future?

This conference will also have a special focus on Latin America and the Caribbean to include joint ventures for marketing online publications to local users or for developing digital collections that balance the preservation of cultural heritage and user needs.

Proposals for papers may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Redefining Collections: Integrating Electronic and Print media
  • Collaborative Collection Development in Latin America and the Caribbean:
    Marketing Online Resources
  • Patron Initiated Collection Development:
    New Opportunities for Libraries
  • Access versus Ownership
  • Strategic Partnerships with Publishers

Conference Venue

The conference will be held at the University of the Virgin Islands

St. Thomas Campus
Administration and Conference Center (ACC), 142 2 John Brewers Bay (Three miles west of the town of Charlotte Amalie)
St. Thomas, VI 00802


If you are interested in contributing a paper, please send the following, in electronic format (preferably via e-mail):

  • An abstract of 300-500 words in English and Spanish including a title
  • An outline of the paper
  • Brief biographical information of the author(s)/presenter(s) with current employment information (maximum 150 words)
  • Contact details including mailing address, email address, telephone and /or fax numbers

Submit your proposal to the address below by 15th February 2011:

Regine Schmolling
Fax: +49 (0) 421-218-2614
E-mail: [email protected]

The submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee of the Standing Committee of the Acquisition and Collection Development Section. The selection will be based on the abstracts and rated on how well they fit the programme theme. Authors will be contacted by 1st March 2011.

For successful applicants the deadline for submission of full papers is 15th May 2011 to allow time for review. The conference languages are English and Spanish. Papers may be written either in English or Spanish with an abstract in both languages. Presentations should be made in English, will be limited to approximately 20 minutes and will be accompanied by PowerPoint slides. The Section will make efforts to provide volunteers for the translation of slides to Spanish. Discussions will be in both languages.

More Information

For more information, please visit the ACQUIS conference site.

For additional information on this call for papers you may contact Pascal Sanz at [email protected]

Judith Mansfield (chair, IFLA Standing Committee of the ACD Section)


All proposals must be in before 15 February 2011.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Puerto Rico National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Please check our Conference Participation Grants webpage for the most up-to-date information.

Last update: 25 January 2011