Call for Papers

Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section

Weaving Continuing Professional Development (CPD) into every library organization in difficult financial times

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The Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section of IFLA (CPDWL) will facilitate this program session for the next IFLA World Library and Information Congress (San Juan, Puerto Rico – August 13-18, 2011)

In tough financial times it becomes more challenging to make the case for a strong CPD strategy in libraries and library organizations. The purpose of this session is to highlight creative and innovative approaches to CPD in times of economic difficulties. The program fits within the overall conference theme “Libraries beyond libraries: integration, innovation and information for all”.

In particular, we are interested in papers that focus on:

  • Advocating for and integrating CPD into library strategic plans and yearly budgets   
  • Providing innovative approaches to CPD when there are few or no resources
  • Use of individual career plans as an approach to professional development
  • The library association as a CPD provider

Those interested in contributing to this session should not be limited by these questions.  Any proposal which addresses the broad themes of the program session is of interest and will be considered.

We are also looking for proposals with a regional focus on Latin America and the Caribbean.

This session will be conducted a bit differently than many IFLA sessions.  The emphasis will be on discussion and interactivity with participants.  Selected presenters (up to 6) will have a short time to present some of the main ideas in their paper before engaging in a discussion with audience members.  Presenters should be prepared to respond to questions and also be ready to ask questions of the audience participants.

Important Dates and Timelines

Please e-mail proposals by January 31, 2011 to Ulrike Lang: [email protected]

Proposals should include:

  1. Title of proposed presentation
  2. Outline of the proposed presentation (no more than 300 words)
  3. Name(s) of presenter(s) 
  4. Position or title of presenter(s)
  5. Presenter(s) employer or affiliated institution
  6. E-mail address
  7. Telephone/fax numbers
  8. Short biographical statement

All proposers will be advised at the end of March 2011 of the outcome of the review and selection of proposals.

The presenters selected for the program at the San Juan conference will be asked to submit a formal paper (for inclusion on the IFLA conference website and the Sections’ website) no later than May 1, 2011. Papers can be submitted in one of the official IFLA working languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish.

The language of the session is English however presenters may also give their talk in any of the IFLA working languages. Simultaneous translation is not guaranteed therefore, presenters are encouraged to provide the PowerPoint in English to facilitate understanding of the ideas presented.


All proposals must be in before 31 January 2011.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Puerto Rico National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Please check our Conference Participation Grants webpage for the most up-to-date information.

Last update: 15 January 2011