Daily Programme

Last update: 11 October 2012

Monday 13 August

Session 86 — Plenary Session

13 August 2012 08:30 - 09:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Toute la mémoire du monde - The memory of the entire world
Plenary Speaker: PETER VON BAGH (Professor of film history in the University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland)

Peter von Bagh is a film historian, author of more than 30 books on film, history and popular arts (including The history of World Cinema, 1975 and 1998, and a book about and with Aki Kaurismäki, published in five languages). Doctor in Political Sciences; television and radio producer for all his life; a book publisher (more than 100 books from Balzac to Eisenstein, Meyerhold, Fellini and whatever); a film director, with speciality in compilation films, including large series as Oi kallis Suomenmaa, a history of Finland (1997), and Song of Finland (Sininen laulu), a 12-hour program on the history of arts in Finland - which 2007 became Finlandia prize winning book.

Later films include "Helsinki Forever" and "Sodankylä Forever" that have toured around the world. Scriptwriter (e.g. films by Risto Jarva); editor-in-chief (since 1971) of the "Filmihullu" magazine; curator (1967-70) and program director (1970-85) of the Finnish Film Archive; a professor of film history in The Helsinki University of Arts; artistic director and co-founder (with the Kaurismäki brothers) of The Midnight Sun Film Festival; artistic director of an Italian film festival called Il cinema ritrovato (Bologna, since 2001).

Chair: Kimmo Tuominen
(NC Co-Chair, Chief Librarian of Jyväskylä University Library, President of the The Finnish Research Library Association, Finland)

Session 87 — Marketing of rare and special collections in a digital age — Rare Books and Manuscripts

13 August 2012 09:00 - 18:00 | Off-site

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

National Library of Finland, Auditorio
Yliopistokatu (University street) 1.
Helsinki 17.

Session 88 — IFLA Highlights and News Session

13 August 2012 09:30 - 10:45 | Room: Session Room 5

Major announcements, awards, updates and other important IFLA-related news will be made during this session. Congress delegates and all members of the Press are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Chair: Ingrid Parent, IFLA President

The World Library and Information Congress 2012 in Finland:

  • Welcome to Finland and the IFLA WLIC 2012 Helsinki
    MAIJA BERNDTSON (Chair of the 2012 Finnish National Committee)
  • Highlights and innovations in the Congress Programme
    SINIKKA SIPILA (President-elect)

IFLA Advocacy for Libraries and their users - Highlights

  • Some highlights of the Presidential year
  • Protecting access to information in the public domain in international treaties
    STUART HAMILTON (IFLA Director of Policy and Advocacy)
  • FAIFE Research Project on Freedom of Access to Digital Information
  • IFLA International Leaders Programme
    JENNEFER NICHOLSON (IFLA Secretary General)


  • Announcement 2013 Jay Jordan IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Programme Fellows
  • 10th IFLA International Marketing Award 
    EILEEN BREEN (Publisher Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)
  • De Gruyter/Saur IFLA Research Paper Award 2012 + Publications 2012/2013
    ALICE KELLER (Publishing Director - De Gruyter)
  • Director, IFLA-CASL and Arabian Advanced Systems (AAS) Conference Grant
    DINA YOUSSEF (IFLA Centre for Arabic Speaking Libraries (IFLA-CASL), Bibliotheca Alexandrina Alexandria, Egypt)
  • Dr Shawky Salem Conference Grant 2012
    SHAWKY SALEM (Chairman Alex Centre for Multimedia and Libraries - ACML)
  • IFLA LIS Student Paper Award 2012
    PETRA HAUKE and BARBARA LISON (ekz library service, Germany).
  • Grantees IFLA World Library and Information Congress (+ Aspire Award)
    INGRID PARENT (IFLA President)

Photograph and brief interview opportunity on all topics directly after the meeting

Session 89 — Caucus: Arab countries

13 August 2012 09:30 - 10:45 | Room: 306

Session 90 — Cloud computing: its impact on privacy, jurisdiction, security, lawful access, ownership and permanence of data — Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matters (CLM)

13 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Introduction and welcome by Victoria Owen, Chair of CLM

  • Storage clouds and computing clouds: implications for libraries
    CLIFFORD LYNCH (Coalition for Networked Information, Washington DC, USA)
  • Privacy on the Internet: looking to the future
    CHRISTINE RUNNEGAR (Internet Society, Geneva, Switzerland))
  • Stormy weather: jurisdiction over privacy and data protection in the cloud
    PATRICK D. FLAHERTY and GIANCARLO RUSCIO (Litigation Department, Torys LLP, Toronto, Canada)

Session 91 — Knowledge cafe: driving access & services — Knowledge Management with Library and Research Services for Parliaments

13 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 92 — New futures for bibliographic data formats: reflections and directions — UNIMARC Core Activity

13 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Off-site

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Helsinki Public Library
(across the street from the conference centre)

Session 93 — Information literacy meets E-learning: let’s talk about interconnections and outcomes — Information Literacy with E-learning Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 94 — Creating a culture for innovation and change — Management and Marketing with Academic and Research Libraries

13 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 95 — Strategies for library associations: include new professionals now! — Management of Library Associations with the New Professionals Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 96 — Learning from the past to shape our future—65 years IFLA/UNESCO partnership — UNESCO Open Session

13 August 2012 11:00 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 5

HELENA ASAMOAH-HASSAN (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Library, Kumasi, Ghana)

Keynote I:
The IFLA-UNESCO partnership 1947-2012
PETER JOHAN LOR (Former IFLA Secretary General, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)

Keynote II:
Information for All – a vision for inclusive knowledge societies
EVGENY KUZMIN (Chair of the Intergovernmental Council, UNESCO Information for All Programme, Paris, France)

Current initiatives – Future endeavours
Chair: Helena Asamoah-Hassan

  • The Memory of the World in the Digital age: Digitization and Preservation Conference, Vancouver, September 2012
    JOIE SPRINGER (Programme Specialist, Memory of the World, UNESCO, Paris, France)
  • Media and information literacy
    MARIA-CARME TORRAS CALVO (Chair IFLA Information Literacy Section, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway)
  • IFLA/UNESCO Manifesto for Digital Libraries
    WINSTON ROBERTS (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)

Discussion with the audience
Led by Helena Asamoah-Hassan

Summary & Closure
Helena Asamoah-Hassan

Session 98 — Generation Google needs us: new roles for visibility in the digital age for information & reference services — Reference and Information Services

13 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 1

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 99 — Picture books in libraries now! — Libraries for Children and Young Adults

13 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

1. The World through Picture Books Project
ANNIE EVERALL (Consultant, Children's Books, Libraries and Reading, Staffordshire, United Kingdom)

2. Country highlights:

3. Digital picture books in libraries now!
Translations: [Français]

CÉCILE TREVIAN (Rousselot Library, Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, France)

4. The power of reading in action: book reading and performance
JIM HØJBERG (Vejle Public Library, Denmark)

Session 100 — Poster sessions

13 August 2012 12:00 - 14:00 | Room: Hall 4 and 5

Session 101 — Africa libraries now on open access agenda — Africa

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 102 — Storage and repositories: new preservation and access strategies — Preservation and Conservation Programme (PAC)

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 103 — Usability and accessibility – the mobile challenge — Information Technology with Library and Research Services for Parliaments

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Presentation of the Handbook Information and Communication Technologies in Parliamentary Libraries, prepared by the IFLA Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, through the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament.

Session 104 — Steps towards a global accessible library — Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Solving the "Book Famine"
    Keynote speaker: STEPHEN KING (President, Daisy Consortium, Peterborough, United Kingdom)
  • Can mainstream e-publishing become accessible? EPUB3, DAISY4 and convergence: Impact on accessible publishing
    BILL MCCOY (International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), USA)
  • Invitation to the feast: developing accessible e-book services in UK public libraries
    HELEN BRAZIER (Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), Manchester, United Kingdom)
  • E-reading without screens: summarizing personal experiences from end-users with e-book readers
    VARJU LUCENO (Daisy Consortium, Missoula, Montana, USA) and 2 expert users from Finland (Finnish Association of the Blind, Finland)

Session 105 — International and comparative librarianship: toward valid, relevant and authentic research and education — Library Theory and Research, Education and Training and LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 13:45 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 105 a — Environmental Sustainability and Libraries SIG Workshop

13 August 2012 13:45 - 21:00 | Off-site

Sustainability at Pasila Library:

  • Audio-Visual presentation: "Climate Reality" and debate on deriving challenges for libraries
  • Hands-on workshop where volunteers can work and debate on some of the projects the SIG has on the drawing board

Pasila Library's Auditorium, Helsinki
(across the street from the conference centre)

Venue and logistics: Leila Sonkkanen
E-mail: [email protected]
Content: Veerle Minner
E-mail: [email protected]

Sustainable Evening in Vallila Library:

  • Library Jazz - live music from jazz to soul - Piazza (18.30-19.30)
    (Open to all, patrons and visitors!)
  • Green librarians get together, Gallery (20.00-21.00)
    Let's have a little bread and cheese together!
    (Librarians and other IFLA participants only)

Vallila Library, Helsinki
(10 minutes tram ride from the convention centre)

Harri Sahavirta
E-mail: [email protected]

Session 106 — Parliamentary libraries: strengthening democracy — Library and Research Services for Parliaments

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 107 — Libraries across time and space — Library History Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 108 — Libraries for literacy: linking generations, empowering communities — Literacy and Reading

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 109 — Gates – Access to Learning Award (ATLA) Session

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 5

Session 110 — Interreligious Dialogue Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 6

First meeting of the new Interreligious Dialogue Special Interest Group (RELINDIAL)

Two lectures will be given:

  • IDEO serving intercultural Islamo-Christian dialogue
    Brother RENÉ-VINCENT DU GRANDLAUNAY o.p. (Institut Dominicain d'études orientales, Cairo, Egypt)
  • GlobeTheoLib: online theological resources for education and ecumenical dialogue
    AMÉLIE VALLOTTON (Globethics, Geneva, Switzerland)

Session 110 a — Designing the Future Library

13 August 2012 18:00 - 21:00 | Off-site

How do librarians and architects envision the Future Library?

In the near future many library buildings in Helsinki will undergo major changes. Helsinki City Library is currently in the midst of the international architectural competition for the proposed new Central Library. In the academic world, the new Helsinki University Main Library will open in September 2012. Furthermore, the National Library is renovating the culturally unique building to meet the user expectations of today.

The keynote speakers are:

  • MAIJA BERNDTSON (Helsinki City Library)
  • KAISA SINIKARA (Helsinki University Library)
  • VESA OIVA (Anttinen Oiva Architects. Architect of the Kaisa House the jury member in the architectural competition of Helsinki Central Library)
  • PAUNO NARJUS (LPR Architects, Architect of the National Library renovation)

Hosts: The Helsinki University Library, The National Library and the Helsinki City Library
Location: the new Helsinki University Main Library

(By invitation only)