Full Programme (printable)

This is the website for a previous WLIC. It is archived and will not be updated anymore.

Any additional Congress Session papers that we receive after the Congress will only be added to and stored in the Congress section of the IFLA Library, a separate website built on dedicated document management software.

Session 1 — Conference Advisory Committee

15 August 2013 12:00 - 14:00 | Room: 323

Session 2 — Finance Committee

15 August 2013 14:00 - 16:00 | Room: 323

Session 3 — Executive Committee

15 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: 323

Session 4 — Professional Committee

16 August 2013 08:30 - 11:00 | Room: 323

Session 5 — Governing Board

16 August 2013 11:30 - 17:00 | Room: 323

Session 6 — Leadership Brief for all Section Officers

17 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: Summit 2

All outgoing and, if known, incoming Officers (Chairs and Secretaries of Sections) and SIG Conveners are invited to the Leadership Brief, to discuss with the Professional Committee (PC) Chair and other PC members issues related to the professional programme. Topics to be discussed include the successes and challenges of the previous year, improving IFLA’s impact, and improving communication.

Session 7 — Academic and Research Libraries

17 August 2013 09:00 - 12:30 | Off-site

Social media strategy in academic libraries – Implementation experience at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries

Full details, including how to register, are available at: http://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/ifla2013/

Session 8 — SC I Serials and Other continuing Resources

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 300

Session 9 — SC I Acquisition and Collection Development

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 301

Session 10 — SC I Education and Training

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 302

Session 11 — SC I Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 303

Session 12 — SC I Cataloguing

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 304

Session 13 — SC I Statistics and Evaluation

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 308

Session 14 — SC I Management and Marketing

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 309

Session 15 — SC I Social Science Libraries

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 310

Session 16 — SC I Document Delivery and Resource Sharing

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 311

Session 17 — SC I Information Technology

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 312

Session 18 — SC I School Libraries and Resource Centers

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 322

Session 19 — SC I Genealogy and Local History

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 323

Session 20 — ALP Advisory Committee Meeting

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 324

Session 21 — SC I Libraries for Children and Young Adults

17 August 2013 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 325

Session 22 — SC I Science and Technology Libraries

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 300

Session 23 — SC I Newspapers

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 301

Session 24 — SC I Bibliography

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 302

Session 25 — SC I Art Libraries

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 303

Session 26 — SC I Government Information and Official Publications

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 304

Session 27 — SC I Rare Books and Manuscripts

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 308

Session 28 — SC I Library Services to People with Special Needs

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 309

Session 29 — SC I Management of Library Associations

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 310

Session 30 — SC I Literacy and Reading

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 311

Session 31 — SC I Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 312

Session 32 — SC I Health and Biosciences

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 322

Session 33 — SC I Audiovisual and Multimedia

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 323

Session 34 — SC I Library Theory and Research

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 324

Session 35 — FAIFE Committee Meeting

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 325

Session 36 — Preservation and Conservation Programme (PAC) Core Activity - Business Meeting

17 August 2013 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 326

Session 37 — SC I National Libraries

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 300

Session 38 — SC I Information Literacy

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 301

Session 39 — SC I Public Libraries

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 302

Session 40 — SC I Reference and Information Services

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 303

Session 41 — SC I Academic and Research Libraries

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 304

Session 42 — SC I Metropolitan Libraries

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 308

Session 43 — SC I Library Buildings and Equipment

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 309

Session 44 — SC I Law Libraries

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 310

Session 45 — SC I Classification and Indexing

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 311

Session 46 — SC I Knowledge Management

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 312

Session 47 — SC I Government Libraries

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 322

Session 48 — SC I Library and Research Services for Parliaments

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 323

Session 49 — SC I Preservation and Conservation

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 324

Session 50 — SC I Library Services to Multicultural Populations

17 August 2013 13:00 - 17:30 | Room: Off-site

Li Ka Shing Library, Singapore Management University
Meeting Room, Level 5B

Delegates will need to enter from Level 2 where there is Library Security.
Take the Lift to Level 5.

How to get there: Please refer to http://library.smu.edu.sg/about-us-contact-us for a location map.

Session 51 — CLM Committee Meeting

17 August 2013 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 329

Session 51 A — Caucus: Community Across Borders — ASEAN Countries (Association of South East Asian Nations)

17 August 2013 16:30 - 17:30 | Room: Nicoll 2

The ASEAN Caucus, based on the theme of “Community Across Borders”, will host conversations on regional initiatives to encourage collaboration, create greater awareness of the region’s rich content, and also foster higher levels of regional unity.

The speakers include Mr Gene Tan, Director of National Library of Singapore and Mr Andy Neale, Head of Digital NZ at the National Library of New Zealand.

Gain new insights into the region’s library developments, and network with ASEAN librarians at the reception which will be held from 5.30pm - 6.30pm (Nicoll 3).

Session 52 — Caucus: Africa, Asia & Oceana and Latin America and the Caribbean

17 August 2013 17:45 - 18:45 | Room: 328

Session 53 — Caucus: Canada

17 August 2013 17:45 - 18:45 | Room: Nicoll 2

Session 54 — Caucus: Netherlands Speaking Participants

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 303

Session 55 — Caucus: Portuguese Speaking Participants

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 333

Session 56 — Caucus: Spanish Speaking Participants

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 304

Session 57 — Caucus: USA

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: Summit 1

Session 58 — Caucus: Chinese Speaking Participants

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 326

Session 59 — Caucus: French Speaking Participants

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 324

Session 60 — Caucus: CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 300

Session 61 — Caucus: Nordic Countries

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: Summit 2

Session 62 — Caucus: UK

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 321

Session 63 — Caucus: Korean Speaking Participants

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 302

Session 64 — Caucus: German Speaking Participants

17 August 2013 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 301

Session 65 — IFLA Officers Reception

17 August 2013 19:00 - 22:00

(By invitation only)

Session 66 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. I - Library Types

18 August 2013 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 308

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas

Session 67 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. II - Library Collections

18 August 2013 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 309

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas

Session 68 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. III - Library Services

18 August 2013 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 310

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas.

Session 69 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. IV - Support of the Profession

18 August 2013 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 311

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas.

Session 70 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. V - Regions

18 August 2013 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 323

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas.

Session 71 — Newcomers Session

18 August 2013 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

This session offers a brief introduction to various aspects of the IFLA congress and the IFLA organisation in an informal way.  The Newcomers’ session is a great opportunity to start building and expanding your international professional network!


08:30-09:00 Coffee and cake

09:00 Welcome

by Chair of the Day and discussion host Barbara Lison

09:10 Start first panel session on the topic:

What motivates me to go to an IFLA conference?


  • What does it mean for my professional development?
  • How do I get the most out of the programme?
  • Opportunities to network
  • Making friends and lifelong memories
  • What to see in the host country, both professionally and recreational


  • Kay Raseroka
  • Kerry Smith

9.30 Summary

9.35 Start second panel session on the topic:

What can I gain professionally and personally from an IFLA conference?


  • what an international perspective brings to my professional practice
  • first-timer/one-timer/many-timer – opportunities for ongoing participation in IFLA
  • information exchange
  • new perspectives


  • Sigrid Weiss
  • Ellen Broad
  • Buhle Mbambo-Thata

10:00 Summary and conclusion

Session 72 — Opening Session

18 August 2013 10:30 - 12:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI


Doors open at 10:00

The IFLA National Committee welcomes all delegates to attend this showcase for Singaporean national culture and to hear from a keynote speaker that reflects our host country’s professional standard. 

IFLA President Ingrid Parent will also give her opening address and set the stage for the coming days.


Session 73 — President’s Lunch

18 August 2013 12:00 - 13:45

(By invitation only)

Session 75 — IFLA Market: @your library

18 August 2013 12:15 - 13:30 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406

Want to increase the public visibility of libraries in your country? Come hear examples of how library associations and libraries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas have created their campaigns—and learn how you can participate in this IFLA/ALA partnership initiative to promote libraries.

Session 76 — IFLA Market: How to get published in journals

18 August 2013 12:15 - 13:30 | Room: Summit 1

The aim of the session is to provide guidance on being published in academic and professional journals, including IFLA Journal and other IFLA related publications.

Topics include:

  • Why Write and Seek Publication
  • How to structure and write a journal article
  • Choosing a journal
  • The editorial and peer review process
  • Publishing with IFLA
  • Author support

Panelists: Caroline Lock, Ian Johnson, Paul Sturges. Representatives from several publications will be available to answer questions during the session.

Session 77 — IFLA Market: What your Section can achieve – planning and strategy — IFLA Market

18 August 2013 12:15 - 13:30 | Room: Summit 2

Is your Unit (Section, Special Interest Group, Strategic Programme) planning to submit a professional project proposal to the Professional Committee this year? Come to this IFLA Market session to learn more about how to plan and carry out an effective professional project, and to understand more about how your project could support the Strategic Plan and Key Initiatives.

Examples taken from current professional projects will be presented, and you will have the opportunity to ask members of the Professional Committee about the selection process, and what makes a good application.

Session 78 — IFLA Market: Haiti three years after the earthquake - the never ending story — Preservation and Conservation

18 August 2013 12:15 - 13:30 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

When the earthquake hit Haiti in early 2010 it was clear that in addition to the devastating effect on the population, a great deal of the country’s cultural heritage had been destroyed. IFLA reacted to this natural disaster by offering help and training for the libraries in Haiti. Under the leadership of IFLA’s Preservation and Conservation Section and the Blue Shield, the Ark project was created to provide a place for such assistance and training.  The centre will enable the population of Haiti to independently look after its written cultural heritage and rebuild its identity.  

This session provides an overview on the current status of the project.

Presenter: Danielle Mincio, Chair/Treasurer of the IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section

Session 79 — Committee on Standards Meeting I

18 August 2013 12:15 - 13:30 | Room: 308

Session 80 — Caucus: Arab countries

18 August 2013 13:45 - 14:45 | Room: 335

Session 81 — The library and the city — Library buildings and Equipment

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Creating a model-programme for the building of future public libraries and their role in culture led redesign of urban spaces
    JENS THORHAUGE (Thorhauge Consulting, Dragør, Denmark)
  • Public libraries and placemaking
    MAIJA BERNDTSON (Consultant, Helsinki, Finland)
  • The library, the city, and infinite possibilities - Ryerson University's Student Learning Centre Project
    MADELEINE LEFEBVRE (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada)
  • Unafraid of the future – Edinburgh's next generation library and information services
    LIZ MCGETTIGAN (City of Edinburgh, Libraries and Information Services Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
  • The intersection of design and culture: the new Guangzhou library and its relationship to the city
    SAM BOSS, FANG JIAZHONG and ZHANG JIANGSHUN (Guangzhou Library, Guangzhou, China)

Session 82 — Re-defining international relations — National Organizations and International Relations Special Interest Group

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • International cooperation in the global information society, the BnF meets the challenge
    ELISABETH FREYRE (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France)
  • Working in between - the contradictions of international library relations
    MARIAN KOREN (FOBID Netherlands Library Forum, The Hague, Netherlands)
  • Acting internationally-in your own library and worldwide
    HELLA KLAUSER (German Library Association, Berlin, Germany)
  • Case study of international engagement by a small national library
    WINSTON ROBERTS (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Cooperation between the National Library of China and its counterparts in East Asia and ASEAN countries - opportunities, challenges and prospects
    LIU YUANHONG and CHEN NING (National Library of China, Beijing, China)

Session 83 — Building a learning and knowledge sharing organisation — Information Technology, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and Knowledge Management

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Brigadier General (Dr.) Shiang Long Lee, Head, Joint Communications and Information Systems Dept.- Singapore Armed Forces

Session 84 — Libraries and social movements: a force for change — Social Science Libraries

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 2

  • Archiving Egypt's revolution: the "University on the Square" project, documenting January 25, 2011 and beyond)
    STEVE URGOLA (The American University in Cairo Library, Cairo, Egypt)
  • Academic libraries advancing transnational feminism
    KAYO DENDA and LUCY VIDAL (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA)
  • A living breathing revolution: how libraries can use "living archives" to support, engage, and document social movements
    TAMARA RHODES (North Carolina Central University, North Carolina, USA)
  • Révolution Tunisienne et bibliothèques
    NAJOUA DJERAD (Manouba, Tunisia)
  • Public libraries, the crisis of the welfare state and the social networks: the Portuguese case
    LUISA ALVIM and JOSE ANTONIO CALIXTO (CIDEHUS, Universidade de Evora Evora, Portugal)

Session 85 — Journal use statistics: an overview of the COUNTER Usage Factor project — E-metrics Special Interest Group

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 324/325

  • TBA
    PETER SHEPHERD (COUNTER, London, United Kingdom)
  • Altmetrics and the Decoupled Journal
    JASON PRIEM (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC, USA)

Session 86 — Marketing on a shoe string — Management and Marketing

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Nicoll 3

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

  • Developing and launching effective and engaging videos without breaking the bank
    KATE CUSHON and GILLIAN NOWLAN (University of Regina Library, University of Regina, Regina, Canada)
  • Evaluating the marketing success of libraries' social media presences
    SEBASTIAN MUNDT (Stuttgart Media University, Stuttgart, Germany)
  • New model of library marketing for farmers and promotional creativity in action
    SUZANA TANASIJEVIC' (Public Library "Radislav Nikc(evic'", Jagodina, Serbia)
  • Marketing information with social networking tools: Whatsapp application model
    AHMED RASHED HAMED ALMRZOOQI (Ministry of Education, Oman)
  • Marketing from the inside out: how we marketed to staff to spread the word to our members
    CHRISTINE BUSBY (New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Involving customers in redesigning and marketing the library
    KATARIINA ERVASTI (Vantaa City Library, Hakunila Library, Vantaa, Finland), MINNA SAASTAMOINEN (Vantaa City Library, PR, Vantaa, Finland) and MARKO NISSINEN (Vantaa City Library, Hakunila Library, Vantaa, Finland)
  • Renewing the marketing strategy: from meeting user needs to values creation
    OLGA EINASTO (Library Services Department, University of Tartu Library, Tartu, Estonia)
  • Going green as a marketing tool for libraries: environmentally sustainable management practices
    PETRA HAUKE (Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany) and KLAUS ULRICH WERNER (Philological Library, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)

Session 87 — Africa – SC I

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: 308

Session 88 — Asia and Oceania – SC I

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: 309

Session 89 — Latin America and the Caribbean – SC I

18 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: 310

Session 90 — IFLA Strategic Partners’ Meeting

18 August 2013 14:00 - 16:00 | Room: 333

(Business Meeting, by invitation only)

Session 91 — Exhibition Opening and Opening Party

18 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall

 (incl VIP tour)

Session 93 — Plenary Session: IFLA Trend Report

19 August 2013 08:30 - 09:15 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

In December 2011 the IFLA Governing Board set up a Steering Committee to commission a major Trend Report modelling the evolving digital information environment. The IFLA Trend Report will provide detailed options for libraries across the world to position themselves internationally within this environment, and advise them of the projected social, cultural, economic and legal consequences of these options.

The report will offer a useful resource for librarians, policy makers and the public to help all stakeholders better understand the role of libraries in a digital age.

This session will give a complete overview of the Trend Report and the Online Trend Report platform will be lauched just prior to the session. 

Session 95 — Rare and special collections in the Asian or Oceanian context — Rare Books and Manuscripts with Asia and Oceania

19 August 2013 08:30 - 18:00 | Off-site

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Morning Sessions:

  • Mapping dreams to pin the future to: access ideas for the National Library Singapore
    TIMOTHY PWEE and MAGES PERIASAMY (Special Collections, National Library Singapore, National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Taonga (treasures) at the Alexander Turnbull Library: documentary heritage in Polynesia
    RACHEL ESSON (Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Public Library and Folk Historical Document: Taking Wenzhou Library as an example
    XIE ZHIYONG (Wenzhou Public Library, China)
  • Rare handwritten manuscript collection in Indic languages at Scindia Oriental Research Institute (SORI), India
    ANIL KUMAR JAIN, SUDHIR KUMAR, KEERTI BALA JAIN (School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Vikram University, Ujjain, India), SUBHAJIT CHOUDHURY (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India) and BAL KRISHNA SHARMA (Sciendia Oriental Research Institute (SORI), Ujjain, India)
  • Preserving Cordillera culture and history through the University of the Philippines Baguio Cordillera Studies Collection Library and Archives
    CRISTINA B. VILLANUEVA (Cordillera Studies Collection Library and Cordillera/Northern Luzon Historical Archives, University of the Philippines Baguio)
  • Exploring Filipiniana rare books and the state of Filipiniana rare books management
    ROMULO R. UBAY, JR., MARTIN JULIUS V. PEREZ, TERESITA C. MORAN (Library Services, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines) and JOANNA O. SIAPNO (Library, De La Salle University-Makati Extension Campus, Makati City, Philippines)

Afternoon Sessions:

Poster session presentations:

  • Preserving Sri Lanka's traditional manuscript culture: role of the Palm Leaf Digitization Project of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
  • Social construction of manuscript preservation at Rekso Pustoko, Mangkunegaran Palace, Surakarta, Central Java
  • Content analysis of manuscripts: case study on digital library in National Library and Archives of I.R. of Iran
  • The 1893 printing of the Tipitaka (the first ever printing of this text), which King Chulalongkorn presented to over 200 institutions world-wide
  • Compilation of Yongle Encyclopedia kept in the National Library of China

Papers session:

  • Asia in New Haven
  • Books on the move": rare chinese collections at the University of British Columbia
    JING LIU (Asian Library, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) and ALVAN BREGMAN (Technical Services, University of British Columbia Library, Vancouver, Canada)
  • The USEK Library: An academic library with a national mission of conserving the heritage of Lebanon
    RANDA AL CHIDIAC (Executive Director, Library, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Kaslik, Lebanon)
  • Reliving the Filipino classical music heritage: preservation and restoration of Philippine art music manuscripts of the University of the Philippines-Diliman College of Music
    IYRA S.BUENROSTRO and JOHANN FREDERICK A. CABBAB (School of Library and Information Studies, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines)
  • The Cristoforo Castelli's narration: between the Word and image
    MARIETTA CHIKHLADZE (National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi (Georgia)

Tour of the National Library of Singapore


National Library of Singapore

Session 96 — AV Collections for Non-Specialist Librarians — Audiovisual and Multimedia

19 August 2013 10:00 - 17:00 | Off-site

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

One day training workshop at NYU Tisch School of Arts

This workshop will provide an introduction to audiovisual collections management and preservation. Participants will learn the basics of caring for audio and video collections, and where to find other resources for learning, such as on-line and print publications, discussion groups, and professional associations.

The workshop is for librarians in organizations that primarily have paper materials, but who also manage collections that include sound or moving images. In this workshop, they will learn the basic principles to apply to these collections, such as recognizing various formats, assessing collection risks, reformatting issues, metadata issues, providing access, and approaches to management and planning.

HOWARD BESSER (New York University Moving Image Archiving & Preservation masters degree program, New York, NY USA)


  • 10:00 - 10:30 Welcome & introduction to the workshop objectives.
  • 10:30 - 11:30 Types of collections and their specific needs.
  • 11:30 - 12:15 Film: identification and risk assessment. How it works. Gauges and supports. Generations and elements. Deterioration.
  • 12:15 - 12:45 Sound: identification and risk assessment. How it works. Format identification. Preservation.
  • 12:45 - 14:00 Lunch (on your own).
  • 14:00 - 14:30 Video: identification and risk assessment. How it works. Format identification. Preservation.
  • 14:30 - 15:00 Storage conditions and life expectancy for Film, Video, Sound.
  • 15:00 - 15:15 Break
  • 15:15 - 16:00 Transferring and reformatting film, video and sound. Complications of doing it in-house. Complications of dealing with outside vendors Quality Control.
  • 16:00 – 16:45 Providing access: on site, on line. Metadata, access formats, rights. Conclusions.
  • 16:45 – 17:00 Wrap up and discussion.

This all day session will be held offsite during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress and 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly at the NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Kay Siang Road, Singapore 248923. Directions to the site by public transportation will be provided to registrants.

The Workshop is organised by the IFLA Audiovisual and Multimedia Section, in collaboration with New York University Tisch School of the Arts and New York University’s Moving Image Archiving & Preservation masters degree program.

Registration for IFLA delegates is limited to 35 participants. There is no registration fee but registration is required. Please register via email (including name, affiliation and email address) to [email protected] no later than 1st August 2013.

Session 96 B — National library and information policy as advocacy of future libraries — National Information and Library Policy Special Interest Group with National Libraries

19 August 2013 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Nicoll 3

Chair: WINSTON ROBERTS (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)

  • Library, Information and archives: work-in-progress
    VERONICA BOUDVILLE (National Library of Singapore, Singapore)
  • The policies on the public library in China
    SUN YIGANG (National Library of China, Beijing, China)
  • Many stakeholders, one policy agenda
    SUE MCKERRACHER (Australian Library and Information Association, Australia)
  • Library, the Heart of new cultural renaissance: influence of national library policies in Korea
    JAE-SUN LEE (Library Promotion division at the Library and Information Policy Bureau, Korea)

Session 97 — Exploring an e-book future (e-book lending models, copyright and other issues) — Copyright and other Legal Matters with Management of Library Associations

19 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Introduction by chair: The right to e-read
GERALD LEITNER (Chair, IFLA Management of Library Associations section (MLAS))

Part 1 (9:45am - 10:30am):
Framing the challenge: transformation of the media market (libraries and publishers):

  • Development of the e-book market
    DAN MOUNT (Civic Agenda)
  • Publishers perspective on the changing environment
    YS Chi (International Publishers Association)
  • Comments/questions

Part 2 (10.30am - 12pm):
The challenge world wide - e-book licensing policy/principles/issues around the globe:

  • European Union:
    KLAUS-PETER BÖTTGER (European Bureau of Library Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA))
  • Australia:
    Book Industry Strategy Council principles and progress

    MARGARET ALLEN (State Library of Western Australia)
  • US/Canada:
    Issues with big six publishers

    KEITH MICHAEL FIELS (American Library Association)
  • South America:
    CHLOE VICENTE DE BILLION (Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Chile)
  • Africa:
    MAISELA EDDY MAEPA (University of South Africa)
  • Asia:
    KENNY CHAN (Resource Management, National Library Board, Singapore)

Part 3 (12:00pm - 12:45pm):

  • IFLA's answer and position: the E-lending principles
    PAUL WHITNEY (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

Session 98 — Agile management: strategies for achieving success in rapidly changing times — Knowledge Management with Academic and Research Libraries

19 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Who is looking after your e-journals? Telling tales about the keepers registry & your digital shelves
    PETER BURNHILL (EDINA, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland UK) and FRANÇOISE PELLE (ISSN International Centre / Centre International de l'ISSN, Paris, France)
  • Implementing agile management through collaborative social computing
    MARGARET TAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • From search to discovery
    TAMAR SADEH (Ex Libris, Jerusalem, Israel)
  • Agile management: strategies for success in rapidly changing times: an Australian University Library perspective
    ANDREW WELLS (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
  • MOOCs and the library: engaging with evolving pedagogy
    MARIELLEN F. CALTER (Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA)
  • Opportunities and challenges of MOOCs: perspectives from Asia
    JOYCE CHAO-CHEN CHEN (National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, China)

Session 99 — School Libraries and Information for Civic Literacies — School Libraries with Information Literacy

19 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

  • Information for civic literacies: an educational priority for school librarians in France
    DIDIER VIN-DATICHE (Ministry of National Education, Paris, France)
  • The Russian School Libraries Association as a distributor of ideas of personal information culture: experience of integration of researchers and school librarians' efforts for civi? literacy formation
    NATALYA GENDINA (Kemerovo State University of Culture, Kemerovo Russia) and TATIANA ZHUKOVA (Arts and Russian School Libraries Association, Moscow, Russia)
  • School libraries empower future citizens: a model to impart civic literacy in Indian schools
    RASHMI KUMBAR (Adani Vidya Mandir, Sarkhej, Ahmedabad, India)
  • The power of words: promoting civic literacy through words
    LEO F.H. MA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
  • Le manque du civisme dans les «printemps arabe» et les devoirs des bibliothécaires et des gestionnaires de documents pour une culture citoyenne / The lack of civility in the "Arab spring" & librarians and document manager’s duties for civic literacy & librarians and document managers duties
    AHMED KSIBI (Institut Supérieur de Documentation, Tunis, Tunisia)
  • An Academic Library as a National Reference Library: contributions of Makerere University Library in promoting civic literacy
    ANDREW MWESIGWA (Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda)
  • Shaping future community leaders: fostering civic engagement in Guatemalan students through integrated library instruction at the Asturias Academy
    CAROLYN DOI (University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada)
  • Civic literacy projects in libraries: acting in the present, thinking in the future
    VERA MARIA DA SILVA (Public Library of Seixal, Seixal, Portugal) and FRANCISCO VAZ (Escola de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal)

Session 100 — Libraries as learning organisations: how to nurture growth in our staff and our communities — Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning with Education and Training

19 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Conceptualising the learning organisation: creating a maturity framework to develop a shared understanding of the library's role in literacy and learning
    GILLIAN HALLAM (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia), ANDREW HISKENS (State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia) and REBECCA ONG (State Library of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
  • The relationships among individual, team and organizational learning in Taiwan's university and college libraries
    TI YU (Jinwen University of Science & Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan, China)
  • Academic libraries as learning organisations: the Romanian perspective
    OCTAVIA-LUCIANA MADGE (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania)
  • "Thanks for being awesome": using the learning organisation model to enhance client service
  • A corporate climate for learning: practices from the National Library Board, Singapore
     ZHE BENEDICT YEO, VARSHINI P. MUTHU and IDZHANA KAILANI (National Library Board of Singapore, Singapore)
  • Share and learn: a recipe for learning
    TEEMU RAUHALA, MARITTA HARJUNPÄÄ (University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland) and ANKI MÖLLÄRI (Helsinki City Library, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Learning community as a model for cultivating teaching proficiencies among library instructors: a case study
    JENNIFER NARDINE and LESLEY MOYO (University Libraries, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA)
  • Developing library professionals: the influence of communities of practice
    SHUKRIAH BINTI HAJI YON and GEETA ALBERT (Penang Public Library Corporation; Knowledge Connections Inc. & Paradigm Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Session 101 — Diversity in libraries: research reflecting theoretical approaches and practical experimentation — Library Theory and Research

19 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • “This intense desire to know the world”: Cultural competency as a personal and professional disposition in collection development practices
    KASEY L. GARRISON (School of Information Studies, Faculty of Education, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia)
  • Information seeking behavior of national minorities’ secondary school students for scientific research purposes
    VIKTORIJA MOSKINA (The National Library of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
  • What we are learning about the diverse backgrounds of academic library users: An overview of research designs and methods in information behavior studies
    KRYSTYNA K. MATUSIAK (Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Colorado, USA)
  • Developing a model integral impact assessment
    PABLO ANDRADE BLANCO (University of Santiago de Chile, University of Arts and Social Sciences de Chile, Santiago, Chile)
  • Ethnic diversity at the University of Toronto Libraries
    JACK HANG-TAT LEONG (Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library, University Libraries Toronto, British Columbia, Canada)
  • Identifying and implementing diversity: Collaborative action-based research at Mariestad’s Public Library on LGBTQ issues
    RAGNHILD KAY BRANDSTEDT (Mariestads Public Library, Mariestad, Sweden)
  • Introduction and conclusion
    RAPHAËLLE BATS (enssib, Lyon, France) and YASUYO INOUE (Dokkyo University, Sōka, Saitama, Japan)

Session 102 — Accessibility: Hi Tech for Access — Library Services to People with Special Needs

19 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Off-site

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

  • Keynote: My computer is not dyslexic: reading, writing, and machine intelligence
  • Audio index Libraries are worth listening to! Audio-based library service combined with RFID reader and audio player
    OSCAR STENBERG (Audioindex AB, Sweden)
  • Downloading talking books to e-book reader in Sweden
    BITTE KRONKVIST (Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille) and HEIDI CARLSSON ASPLUND (Library in the Municipal of Lerum, Sweden)
  • Search and read books online with PLEXTALK through DAISY Online Delivery protocol / DAISY/digital talking book players and recorders of your choice, DAISY authoring tools for libraries and local communities
    HIROAKI MIZUKAMI (Technology Products Business Unit, Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.; PLEXTALK, Japan)
  • Free production tools to create e-pub contents and inexpensive e-book readers
    DIPENDRA MANOCHOA (Developing countries coordinator of DAISY Consortium)
  • Accessible multimedia contents in PC, tablet computers and mobile phones
    HIROSHI KAWAMURA (Assistive Technology Development Organization, Japan) and MISAKO NOMURA (Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities)

It is required to register in advance to attend this session

E-mail for registration: [email protected] / [email protected]

Central Public Library, National Library Board Singapore (10 minutes on foot from the conference centre)

Session 103 — Future libraries going green — Environmental Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group

19 August 2013 10:00 - 11:30 | Off-site

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.


This Off-site (minutes walk from the Conference Center) Workshop is open to all IFLA participants who wish to play an active role (even if only for the duration of the Workshop) volunteering in the Environmental Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group.

The keynote item on the programme will be the presentation of the book "The Green Library - Die Grüne Bibliothek" (and more specially, how it came into being) edited by Dr Klaus Werner, Dr Petra Hauke and Karen Latimer. The "Checklist for Greening Libraries", a useful tool which is in the book, will also be presented and discussed.

The format intends to be flexible and interactive, with opportunities for micro-presentations and eventually several open small groups set up to work in parallel on different topics and then sharing conclusions. Volunteers are free to drop in and participate at any moment during the workshop as long (or as briefly) as they wish.

One of the possible focal points for further discussion will be: "Different Latitudes, Different Shades of Green?". As shown in the book "Die Grüne Bibliothek" and as will be seen at this afternoon's ENSULIB Open Session (16:00 - 18:00, session 115B, at the same location http://conference.ifla.org/ifla79/session-115-0), circumstances vary in different parts of the world. Different regional needs in terms of any Environmental Sustainability guidelines for libraries eventually to be developed can be pinpointed and examined as part of this workshop.

Central Public Library
Basement 1, Multipurpose Room
100 Victoria Street, Singapore

Signing up in advance is kindly requested by E-mail to:
[email protected] with copy to [email protected] and [email protected]

However, if you can't sign up for any reason (no access to your e-mail, no time, too late, etc., ), but still wish to attend, you are welcome anyway!

Session 104 — Poster Sessions

19 August 2013 12:00 - 14:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall

In the Exhibition Hall you will find over 100 unique poster presentations. Together these form a kaleidoscopic and representative overview of library and information initiatives and projects—large and small—from around the world.

Poster sessions are presented twice with speakers present for two-hour intervals, 12:00 to 14:00 on Monday and Tuesday — 19 & 20 August. Presenters often provide handouts, printed materials, leaflets or pamphlets for distribution. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from your colleagues!

A jury representing the IFLA Professional Committee will review all submissions at the congress and will select the best poster.

The best poster will be announced during the Closing Session when the presenter will be invited onto the stage to receive a certificate.

Session 105 — Future Libraries – Future Librarians – Future Skills: Directions for the education and training of children’s and youth librarians - the challenge of identifying competencies and encouraging professional development in the digital age — Libraries for Children and Young Adults

19 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Keynote Paper: Who will serve the children: recruiting and educating future children’s librarians
    VIRGINIA WALTER (Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA)
  • Required skills for children and youth librarians in the digital age
    DALIA HAMADA and SYLVIA STAVRIDI (Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt)
  • For the love of reading! New strategies to engage the next generation of readers
    RANEETHA RAJARATNAM (National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Nature or nurture? How do we prepare library staff for head, heart and hands tasks?
    INGRID BON (Biblioservice Gelderland, Arnhem, The Netherlands)
  • Continuing education for children's librarians: a 50 year-old French programme and its priorities today
    CLAUDINE HERVOUËT (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Centre national de la littérature pour la jeunesse, Paris, France)
  • Essential competencies of indian school librarians in the digital age: a study
    RASHMI KUMBAR (Adani Vidya Mandir, Makarba, Gujarat, India) and DEEPTI PATTANSHETTI (The Euro School, Maharashtra, Gujarat, India)

Session 106 — Collaboration in Collections: Libraries, Users and Information Providers — Acquisition and Collection Development

19 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Enhancing access and usage: the OUHK's (Open University of Hong Kong) experience in Resource Discovery Service
    MUN-YEE SHIRLEY LAM and MING-KO SUM (The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
  • New frontiers in Open Access for Collection Development: perspectives from Canadian research libraries
    K. JANE BURPEE (University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada) and LEILA FERNANDEZ (York University Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
  • Leveraging organizational expertise and subject taxonomies in collection development
    ANDY HENG (Defence Science and Technology Agency, Singapore)
  • From red to green: building and managing the scientific electronic collections for a new Sci-Tech University Library
    RASHED S. ALZAHRANI & RINDA M. RAMLI (University Library, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia)
  • Together we are stronger: a cooperative approach to managing print collections
    MATTHEW REVITT (University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA) and CLEM GUTHRO (Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA)

Session 107 — Preserving our past for the future – the importance of long term preservation for the cultural heritage sector — UNESCO

19 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 1

1. Welcome to the UNESCO session
Chair: INGRID PARENT (IFLA President)

2. The UNESCO/UBC Vancouver Declaration - The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation

  • The process and preliminary outcomes of the Vancouver Declaration- an introduction to the Vancouver Declaration and its main points
    JOIE SPRINGER (Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO)
  • Vancouver Declaration, the next steps - an introduction of the Vancouver Declaration roadmap project of IFLA, ICA, the Dutch UNESCO Commission, DEN Foundation and the Dutch Government
    MARTIN BERENDSE (ICA President/ Director, National Archive of The Netherlands, The Hague, Netherlands)
  • Questions and Answers

3. The UNESCO action plan for the rehabilitation of cultural heritage and the safeguarding of ancient manuscripts in Mali

  • An introduction of the Mali Action Plan of the UNESCO and IFLA's involvement in its execution
    ELLEN TISE (Senior Director, Library and Information Service, Stellenbosch University/ IFLA representative on the International Advisory Committee to the UNESCO Memory of the World)

4. The World Digital Library and Memory of the World

  • The World Digital Library, an update on its development and focus
    ISMAIL SERAGELDIN (Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt)
  • Memory of the World, an update
    HELENA ASAMOAH-HASSAN (University Librarian, Kwame Nkrumah University/ Member of the International Advisory Committee to the UNESCO Memory of the World)

5. IFLA's Key Initiative 4: Cultural Heritage Disaster Reconstruction Programme

  • An outline of IFLA's work to preserve written cultural heritage
    GENEVIEVE CLAVEL (National and International Cooperation, Swiss National Library/ IFLA Governing Board member)

6. Closing

  • Questions and Answers
  • Closing of the UNESCO session
    INGRID PARENT, Chair (IFLA President)

Session 108 — Inspiring solutions emerging from open source — Information Technology

19 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 2

  • From OPAC to archive: integrated discovery and digital libraries with open source
    EDMUND BALNAVES (Australian Library & Information Association; Prosentient Systems, Ultimo, Australia)
  • Content-as-a-service platform with the alfresco open-source enterprise content management system
    KIA SIANG HOCK and WANG ZHI LIANG (National Library Board of Singapore - NLB, Singapore)
  • Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano: open source technology in the service of a major cooperative project
    JOSÉ LUIS BUEREN GÓMEZ-ACEBO (National Library, Madrid, Spain)
  • Virtual libraries in research funding agencies: an open source approach to disseminate information to faculty, research teams and civil society
  • Building an open source, mobile optimized, crowd-source translation tool for literacy engagement in rural Kenya
    EVVIVA WEINRAUB-LAJOIE (Emerging Technologies & Services, Oregon State University Libraries & Press, Corvallis, OR, USA)

Session 109 — Exploring an e-book future (e-book lending models, copyright and other issues). World café — Public Libraries with Metropolitan Libraries

19 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Nicoll 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Part 1 (13.45 - 14.45):
Putting principles into practice: global initiatives to secure access to e-books in libraries

  • Introduction
    INGA LUNDÉN (IFLA Governing Board, CLM, Metropolitan Libraries Section, Swedish Library Association, Stockholm Public Library, Stockholm, Sweden)
  • The Norwegian digital bookshelf
    VIGDIS MOE SKARSTEIN (Norwegian National Library, Oslo, Norway)
  • Quebec's public libraries platform for providing their patrons with e-book access
    MARC BOUTET (De Marque Québec, Canada)
  • Update on the situation in Singapore
    IVAN KOH (National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Readers First. A movement to improve e-book access and services for public library users around the world
    PAUL WHITNEY (Vancouver, Canada)

Part 2 (14.45 - 15.45):
Securing access to e-books - short term and long term

World Café discussion based on the IFLA e-lending principles.
Topics: legal issues, advocacy and market/business models

Session 110 — Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: 2013 Access to Learning Award

19 August 2013 16:00 - 17:00 | Room: Session Room 324/325

All delegates are invited to attend the announcement of the 2013 Access to Learning Award, which recognizes the innovative efforts of public libraries and similar institutions outside the United States to connect people to information and opportunities through free access to computers and the Internet. The award has honored ground-breaking projects around the world that are improving people’s lives through access to technology. The award will be presented by a representative from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Session 112 — Subject access: Infinite possibilities — Classification and Indexing

19 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Classification of web resources using user generated terms
    MARGARET E.I. KIPP, SOOHYUNG JOO and INKYUNG CHOI (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA)
  • Genre Terms - completing subject access in the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
    ULRIKE JUNGER (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt/Main - Leipzig, Germany)
  • An ontology based fully automatic document classification system using an existing semi-automatic system
    CHAAMINDA MANJULA WIJEWICKREMA (Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka) and RUWAN GAMAGE (National Institute of Library and Information Sciences, University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka)
  • Classification of keywords selected from research articles on physics and development of a quantitative subject access tool
    BIDYARTHI DUTTA (Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, India), KRISHNAPADA MAJUMDER (Dept. of Library & information Science Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India) and BIMAL KANTI SEN (New Delhi, India)

Session 113 — Bring out the fun of it! New ways of teaching and communicating statistics — Statistics and Evaluation with Education and Training

19 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

  • How to make statistics relevant, interesting and fun!
    ANNE MORRIS (Department of Information Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leics, United Kingdom)
  • Everything counts: impact stories leading to success
  • Double force - applying indicators and qualitative measuring to the public library learning space
    PETTER VON KROGH and JANNICKE RØGLER (Buskerud County Library, Drammen, Norway)
  • Dear repose and absent solace: a classroom exploration of U.S. Public Library LGBT collecting behavior
    JENNIFER WEIL ARNS and KAREN MILLER (School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA)

Session 114 — Semantic Web and Linked data for libraries : issues, solutions, realizations — Semantic Web Special Interest Group

19 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Open discussion session

Session 115 — Knowledge Café: taxonomies & metadata rule — Knowledge Management with Library and Research Services for Parliaments

19 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Nicoll 2

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

This interactive discussion using the knowledge café style focuses on a series of topics related to organizing content using taxonomies, metadata, etc. with emphasis on improving information interactions by helping our communities find what they need, interoperability and federated taxonomies, taxonomies and information architecture, innovative metatdata techniques, and more. Using round tables and facilitators to support conversations that are interesting, insightful and will provide you with lots of practical ideas to take home with you.

  • SCHUBERT FOO SHOU BOON (University Scholars Programme, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • JANE DYSART (Dysart & Jones Associates, Toronto, Canada)

Session 115 B — Future libraries going green — Environmental Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group

19 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Off-site

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Greening: pluses and minuses of Nigerian libraries in promoting environmental sustainability
    ADETOUN ADEBISI OYELUDE and ADEFUNKE OLANIKE ALABI (University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria)
  • How to evaluate libraries' sustainability? An approach to an evaluation model and indicators
    ELINA KARIOJA (School of Business and Information Management, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Oulu, Finland)
  • Going green or not: realities of the Indian metropolis libraries
    SUSMITA CHAKRABORTY (Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur, India)
  • My tree house - World's 1st green library for kids
    LIN LI SOH and WAN NI LO (Central Public Library, National Library Board, Singapore)

100 Victoria Street, Singapore
Basement 1, Central Public Library, Multipurpose Room


Session followed by a library visit starting at 18:30: Green Library for Kids "My Tree House"

This special visit to a green prototype children's library, organized by courtesy of the Singapore National Library Board, complements the presentation at the ENSULIB Open Session by the library's Manager, Ms. Lin Li SOH.

Session 116 — Latin America and the Caribbean - SC II

20 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 308

Session 117 — Management and Marketing –SC II

20 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 309

Session 118 — Library Services to Multicultural Populations - SC II

20 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 310

Session 119 — Preservation and Conservation – SC II

20 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 311

Session 120 — Plenary Session

20 August 2013 08:30 - 09:15 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

The fate of the public in an age of individual choice

Plenary Speaker: Dr Cherian George

Cherian George

Cherian George, a Singaporean writer and academic, is an Associate Professor at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. He serves as the Director of the Temasek Foundation - NTU Asia Journalism Fellowship. He is also an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Policy Studies at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. His main research interest is in media and politics, including the political economy of journalism, censorship and alternative media. He is the author of three books “Singapore: The Air-Conditioned Nation” (2000), “Contentious Journalism and the Internet: Towards Democratic Discourse in Malaysia and Singapore” (2006) and “Freedom From The Press: Journalism and State Power in Singapore” (National University of Singapore Press, 2012). His journal articles include “Consolidating Authoritarian Rule: Calibrated Coercion in Singapore” in “The Pacific Review” and “Media in Malaysia: Zone of Contention” in “Democratization”, both published in 2007. In 2010, he was a recipient of a Nanyang Award, the university’s highest honour for teaching excellence.

Before joining academia, he was a journalist at The Straits Times, where he wrote mainly on politics and media and served as the art and photo editor for three years. Early in his career, he twice won the company's Feature of the Year Award. He continues to practice professional journalism as the publisher of What’s Up, an independent monthly current affairs newspaper for children, which was honoured for editorial excellence by the Society of Publishers in Asia in 2006.

Dr. George takes an active interest in media policy and media reform. He was a member of the Internet and Media Advisory Committee under the Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts, and was part of “Bloggers 13”, a group lobbying for greater internet freedom. He runs an online portal dedicated to Singapore journalism issues, journalism.sg. His other civil society contributions include serving as a founding member of The Roundtable in the 1990s. He is a member of the selection committee of the Goh Chok Tong Mendaki Youth Promise Awards. He also serves on the board of management of the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC). He received his Ph.D. in Communication from Stanford University. He has a Masters from Columbia University’s School of Journalism and a B.A. in Social and Political Sciences from Cambridge University. He is an old boy of St Andrew’s Junior and Secondary Schools, and Hwa Chong Junior College. He served his full-time National Service as a corporal in the Singapore Armed Forces, never managing to pass the standing broad jump.

Find out more about Dr. George on his website.

Chair of the Session: Sylvia Yap
(University Librarian, National University of Singapore)

Session 120 B — Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL)

20 August 2013 08:30 - 18:00 | Off-site

CLOSED MEETING at the National Library of Singapore. (By invitation only!)

National library representatives eligible to attend should check the CDNL website for more information: http://cdnl.info/

Session 121 — IFLA Highlights

20 August 2013 09:30 - 10:30 | Room: Nicoll 3

Come and hear the latest news!

Curious about some of the most important work IFLA has been involved with in the last year? Would you like to learn more about the exciting directions in which we're headed? Stop by this now streamlined session and get some answers.

Major announcements, updates and other important IFLA-related news will be made during this session.

Congress delegates and all members of the Press are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Session 123 — Libraries as partners for better health outcomes — Health and Biosciences

20 August 2013 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Partnering to encourage health information-seeking by patients in an urban clinic
    PRUDENCE W. DALRYMPLE, MICHELLE ROGERS, KATHLEEN TURNER and MARY GREEN (Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
  • Two heads are better than one: a case of the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences library
    NANCY NHENDODZASHE (University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe)
  • Achieving quality together: a university/health region partnership to create a province-wide library service
    SUSAN POWELSON, CAROL CONNOLLY and TARYN LENDERS (University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
  • Medical academic libraries in Romania: co-operation and partnerships in support of the educational and research policies
    OCTAVIA-LUCIANA MADGE (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania)
  • Health literacy for all - an investigation into consortia and partnership amongst libraries to promote health care information in India
    MAITRAYEE GHOSH (Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, Maharashtra, India)

Session 124 — Macro and micro - ways through the maze. How new methods of indexing and cataloguing can complement traditional cataloguing for audiovisual and multimedia — Audiovisual and Multimedia with Cataloguing

20 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

  • Keynote: Opening up access to multimedia content
    ADAM FARQUHAR (British Library, London,United Kingdom)
  • Keynote 2: Increasing functionality and usage of video so it may gain its rightful place in the academy
    STEPHEN RHIND-TUTT (Alexander Street Press, USA)
  • TIB's portal for audiovisual media: new ways of indexing and retrieval
    JANNA NEUMANN and MARGRET PLANK (German National Library of Science and Technology, Germany)
  • Ontology based framework for real-time audiovisual art
    CANAN HASTIK, ARND STEINMETZ and BERNHARD THULL (University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  • Building a sustainable metadata workflow for audio-visual resources: University of Illinois Library’s Medusa Digital Preservation Repository
    RYAN EDGE and MYUNG-JA HAN (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  • Learning from the SCI-Arc Media Achieve
    KEVIN MCHANON (Southern California Institute of Architecture Media Archive, USA)

Session 125 — Indigenous knowledge and multiculturalism in LIS education and library training: Infinite possibilities — Education and Training with Library Services to Multicultural Populations and Indigenous Matters Special Interest Group

20 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Indigenous ways: assessing the awareness of and potential need for identifying content on indigenous world view in educating Libraries/Archives/Museum (LAM) entry level professionals
    LORIENE ROY, CIARAN TRACE and SARAH GILBERT (University of Texas at Austin, School of Information, Austin, Texas, USA)
  • Protocols for libraries and archives in Australia: incorporating Indigenous perspectives in the information field
    KIRSTEN THORPE (University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia)
  • Kia whai taki: implementing indigenous knowledge in the Aotearoa New Zealand Library and Information Management Curriculum
    SPENCER- LILLEY (MasseyUniversity, Palmerston North, Aotearoa, New Zealand) and TE PAEA PARINGATAI (Kāpiti Coast District Council, Paraparaumu, New Zealand)
  • Indigenous knowledge paradigms and cultural competencies in the library profession: from theory to practice Kāpiti
    ALEXANDRA RIVERA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
  • You can't hurry love: slow library education in culturally diverse society
    TONI SAMEK (University of Alberta, School of Library and Information Studies Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
  • Advancing cultural competency in library and information science
    RAE-ANNE MONTAGUE (University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Urbana, Illinois, USA)
  • In-house library training program supporting Roma people - the power of networking in local community
    DIJANA SABOLOVIĆ-KRAJINA (Public Library Fran Galovic, Koprivnica, Croatia)
  • Analysis of LIS Education today: the inclusion of indigenous knowledge and multicultural issues in LIS Curriculum
    TUMUHAIRWE G. KABATANGARE (Makarere University, University Library, Kampala, Uganda)

Session 126 — Open Access to official and authenticated legal information in Asia — Law Libraries, Government Libraries and Library and Research Services for Parliaments

20 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Indian initiative to provide free access to authentic legal information
    UMA NARAYAN (High Court of Judicature at Bombay, Mumbai, India)
  • Free access to law in Malaysia
    RAJESH C. MUTTATH (MKMS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • Hong Kong moves towards open access to authenticated legal information
    JOHN BAHRIJ (Lee Quo Wei Law Library The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China) and IRENE SHIEH (Lui Che Woo Law Library, University of Hong Kong Libraries, Hong Kong, China)
  • Open access to official and authenticated legal information in the Philippines
    LILIA F. ECHIVERRI (University of the Philippines Law Library, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines)
  • Open access to official and authenticated legal information in Vietnam
    LÊ THỊ HẠNH (The Library and Information Center, Hanoi Law University, Hanoi, Vietnam)
  • Researching Australian, New Zealand and Papua New Guinean law
    CAROLE HINCHCLIFF (Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Researching Singapore law
    CHARLOTTE GILL (Singapore Management University Libraries, Singapore)

Session 127 — Knowledge Management – SC II

20 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 308

Session 128 — Classification and Indexing – SC II

20 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 309

Session 129 — Library Buildings and Equipment – SC II

20 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 310

Session 130 — Metropolitan Libraries – SC II

20 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 311

Session 131 — Professional Units Key Initiatives Session

20 August 2013 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Nicoll 3


  • This session will be compulsory for at least one representative from each section (new officers are especially encouraged to attend), this will be stressed at the leadership brief

Preparation by attendees:

  • Everyone to bring action plans
  • Every Professional Unit to send at least one representative
  • Every participants to read KI brief prior to session


  • To help the Professional Units understand the aim and workings of IFLA's Key Initiatives (KI)
  • To encourage the Professional Units to reflect the work of the Key Initiatives in their action plan


  • Introduction: 10:45 - 11:05
    • What is the aim of the session and what can the Professional Units gain from it
      LYNNE RUDASILL (Professional Committee Chair)
    • Why does IFLA work through Key Initiatives
      INGRID PARENT (IFLA President)
    • How Management of Library Associations works with KI1 - Access to Digital Content/Ebooks
      GERALD LEITNER (Chair Management of Library Associations)
  • World Café (Tables will remain seated - PC/GB teams of moderators will rotate between tables)
    First Discussion: 11:05- 11:50
    Second Discussion: 11:50 - 12.25
    • The PC/GB teams will discuss the following KIs:
      Trend Report (2 teams), WIPO, Open Access, Elending, Standards, Cultural Heritage, Leadership
    • Each team will have a set of questions and discussion points relating to the KI. Participants are encouraged to have a closer look at the KIs before the session and formulate their own questions additionally.
  • Feedback from the tables (done by teams): 12:25 - 12:45

Follow up:

  • The attendees of the session should present the outcomes and findings at the Standing Committee meetings and gather feedback from the Section
  • Feedback, questions and remarks can be addressed to the Sections Division Chair
  • Sections should update their Action Plans accordingly
  • Sections should report on activities in relation to the Key Initiatives in their Annual Report


Session 132 — Presentation of the Digitization Guidelines — Rare Books and Manuscripts

20 August 2013 11:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 133 — Information Coordinators & Web Editors (1)

20 August 2013 11:45 - 12:45 | Room: 333

Presenter: Louis Takács (IFLA Communications Officer / Web Content Editor)

Introduction to editing the IFLA website for new Information Coordinators & Web Editors—or those thinking of becoming one. 

Topics covered to include:

  • your role as Information Coordinator
  • creating an account & getting to know your Section's content
  • using Drupal
    • content types
    • file browser
    • IFLA Codex
  • best practices on creating effective new content & maintaining old pages
  • using other platforms for Section work
    • blogs
    • social media
    • mailing lists

This will be an informal presentation and question and answer session open only to IFLA Information Coordinators & Web Editors.  Newly appointed Information Coordinators are strongly encouraged to attend.

Another session for more advanced users is also available on Thursday, 22 August from 11:45-12:45.

Session 134 — Search, find and read: three steps to access; what has the future library to offer the print disabled? — Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities

20 August 2013 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

  • The WIPO Treaty for the Visual Impaired
  • Mainstreaming of accessible digital library network - impact of EPUB3
    HIROSHI KAWAMURA (Assistive Technology Development Organization, Tokyo, Japan)
  • Challenges and road map of solutions for accessible books in India
    DIPENDRA MANOCHA (DAISY Consortium, New Delhi, India)
  • Talking books and reading children:children describing their use of talking books
    BITTE KRONKVIST (Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, Stockholm, Sweden)
  • News flash! Read all about it: who can? We can now!
    MICHAEL SIMPSON (Vision Australia, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Mobile solutions for accessible teading; the Dutch approach
    MENNO STEIN (Stichting Aangepast Lezen, The Hague, The Netherlands)

Session 135 — Poster Sessions

20 August 2013 12:00 - 14:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall

In the Exhibition Hall you will find over 100 unique poster presentations. Together these form a kaleidoscopic and representative overview of library and information initiatives and projects—large and small—from around the world.

Poster sessions are presented twice with speakers present for two-hour intervals, 12:00 to 14:00 on Monday and Tuesday — 19 & 20 August. Presenters often provide handouts, printed materials, leaflets or pamphlets for distribution. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from your colleagues!

A jury representing the IFLA Professional Committee will review all submissions at the congress and will select the best poster.

The best poster will be announced during the Closing Session when the presenter will be invited onto the stage to receive a certificate.

Session 136 — Presentation of Awards

20 August 2013 12:45 - 13:45 | Room: Expo Pavilion

Session 137 — Public Libraries – SC II

20 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 308

Session 138 — Information Literacy – SC II

20 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 309

Session 139 — Library Theory and Research – SC II

20 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 310

Session 139 B — Reference and Information Services – SC II

20 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 311

Session 140 — Young adults and libraries : innovation, involvement, self-realization — Libraries for Children and Young Adults

20 August 2013 13:30 - 17:00 | Off-site

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • The library as a lifestyle - new standards of young peoples' library behaviour
    IRINA MIKHNOVA (Russian State Library for Young Adults, Moscow, Russian Federation)
  • Ladder of participation – a tool for evaluating young people's involvement to library services, actions and plans
    ULLA PÖTSÖNEN (Finnish Library Association Youth library workgroup, Finland)
  • L’espace Nouvelle Génération à la Bpi: de l’enquête au projet
    MÉLANIE ARCHAMBAUD (Bibliothèque Publique d'Information, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France)
  • Performance: interactive storytelling
    MELANIE ABAD (National Library of the Philippines, Children's section, Manila, Philippines)
  • The new young adults: Innovative ways to start and graduate them from YA fiction
    LISA VON DRASEK (Children's Literature Research Collections, University of Minnesota, USA)

There will be conducted tours of the Jurong Regional Library during the session. Jurong Regional Library is the largest public library in Singapore and features a dedicated space for young adults called Verging All Teens, and an extensive collection to serve users from the region with more specialised information needs. The session will also include a gallery walk of the National Library Board’s services for young adults and a tour of MOLLY, our mobile library.

Special Note: Coaches will be available after the session to transport participants to the Cultural Evening Venue at Sentosa island.

As seats are limited, participants are required to register for this event at IFLA secretariat at the conference venue in Singapore!

Jurong Regional Library, 21 Jurong East Centra 1.
(The library is located within walking distance from the Jurong East Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) station, and opposite the JCube shopping mall.)

How to get there:
By train to the nearest MRT station: Jurong East (NS1/EW2) on the North-South or East West MRT lines.

Please refer to http://www.pl.sg/page/PlLibraryBranches for a location map of Jurong Regional Library and more public transport information.

Kirsten Boelt
Email: [email protected]

Session 141 — Education and training for agricultural library and information professionals: an international perspective — Agricultural Libraries Special Interest Group

20 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

  • Embedding information management into all operational areas of an agricultural organisation: lessons learned from the Pacific
    PETER WALTON (Agricultural Information Specialist, Karama NT, Australia)
  • A reference space for information management standards, tools and methodologies: the AIMS portal
    THEMBANI MALAPELA, IMMA SUBIRATS, SARAH DISTER, KARNA WEGNER and JOHANNES KEIZER (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO, Rome, Italy)
  • Agriculture, libraries and human development: case studies of Europe, Africa and Latin America
    UGNE LIPEIKAITE (EIFL, Rome, Italy) and GONZALO OYARZUN (National Coordinator, Public Libraries National System, Chile)
  • Analysis of needs of researchers in agronomy: implementation of Agricultural Information System in Algeria
    RADIA BERNAOUI (ENSV, Alger, Algeria) and MOHAMED HASSOUN (ENSSIB, Lyon, ELICO-Research Centre, Lyon, France)
  • The library on wheels Infobus - a library at will of the farmers
    VILMA JOVANOVA (Regional Public and University Library "Goce Delcev", Stip, Macedonia)
  • Perceived education and training needs for agricultural librarians and information personnel in the information communications technology (ICT) era; the case for Botswana, a developing country perspective
    POLOKO NTOKWANE (Botswana College of Agriculture, Gaborone, Botswana)
  • Scenario of Indian Agrarian Librarianship: an evaluative study
    AJAY PRATAP SINGH (Department of Library Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India) and MAYANK YUVARAJ (Department of Library Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India)

Session 142 — Libraries and Development in Asia — Beyond Access

20 August 2013 13:45 - 14:45 | Room: Summit 1

At WLIC 2013, the joint Beyond Access-IFLA session will explore how public libraries power development in Asia. Drawing examples from Bhutan, Nepal and the Philippines, this session will offer new ideas for public library services and partnerships with a particular focus on the role of technology. It will also look at the role library associations have in promoting and supporting the new role and image of public libraries in Asia. What unique challenges do libraries face in the region and what are solutions that have worked?

The drive towards an information society means the future of public libraries is now, and this session will offer engaging ideas that should inspire participants to get involved and take action. Fiona Bradley, IFLA Manager of Member Services and Development and Ari Katz, Deputy Director for Technology and Civil Society at IREX, will moderate. See www.beyondaccess.net for more information.

Session 143 — Opening up the bibliography for the future — Bibliography

20 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 2

  • The Indian National Bibliography: Today and tomorrow
    SHAHINA P. AHAS and SWAPNA BANERJEE (Central Reference Library, Kolkata, India)
  • Future National Bibliography of the Islamic Republic of Iran: The users' perspective
    AFSANEH TEYMOURIKHAN and SAEEDEH AKBARI-DARYAN (National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran, Teheran, Iran)
  • The Danish scenario: taking Danish National Bibliography reuse to the next level
    CARSTEN H. ANDERSEN (DBC, Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Opening up the bibliographies for the future – a collaborative research-driven model for bibliographies
    HEGE STENSRUD HØSØIEN and IRENE HOLE (National Library of Norway, Oslo, Norway)
  • NABOB, the National Bibliography for Botswana: History, present state and perspective for development
    VIOLET CHINA RADIPORO (University of Botswana Library, Gaborone, Botswana)

Session 144 — Tools developed for a better sharing of religious information — Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group

20 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 324/325

  • Finding my way around: the information process of distance students when searching for free online resources
    SIONG NGOR NG (Carey Baptist College, New Zealand)
  • Conserving religious and culture heritage while preserving financial resources
    MARGARET TARPLEY (Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria)
  • Faciliter l’accès aux ressources / Facilitating access to resources
    MAGALI HURTREL PIZARRO (Institut Catholique de Toulouse, Toulouse France) and ODILE DUPONT (Institut Catholique de Paris, Paris, France)
  • Seminario Latinoamericano de Documentación (SeLaDoc)
    MIKE VAN TREEK NILSSON and JAVIERA BRAVO CALDERÓN (Theology Library, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile)
  • Training for religious information literacy and community dialogue: the experience of WOREM Theological College, Southeast Nigeria
    KATHRYN J. PHILIP (Library, University of Uyo, Nigeria)

Session 145 — Officers Training Session 1

20 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Nicoll 3

Training session for new Officers (Chairs and Secretaries of IFLA Sections) and SIG Conveners; Information Coordinators are also invited. The session is intended to be an informal way of communicating all the information that new leaders of IFLA’s Sections and SIGs need in order to fulfil their duties during the year, so questions and discussion are encouraged.

Presenter: Joanne Yeomans (IFLA Professional Support Officer) with additional contributions from members of the Professional Committee, HQ staff, and others.

Session 146 — Preserving for the future: Integrating physical and digital preservation — Information Technology with Preservation and Conservation, Rare Books and Manuscripts and Library and Research Services for Parliaments

20 August 2013 13:45 - 18:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Introduction by chair: Preserving for the future: Integrating physical and digital preservation
    ARTHUR TENNØE (National Library of Norway, Oslo, Norway)
  • Preservation and conservation as an integrated process in the German National Library: Status quo and outlook
    REINHARD ALTENHOENER (German National Library, Frankfurt, Germany)
  • Seeing the whole elephant: an integrated approach to managing preservation
    HEATHER BROWN (Artlab Australia & State Library of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia) and ROSS HARVEY (RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Chronicles in preservation: Preserving digital news and newspapers
    NICK KRABBENHOEFT, KATHERINE SKINNER, MATT SCHULTZ (Educopia Institute, Atlanta GA, USA) and FREDRIK ZARNDT (Global Connexions, Coronado, CA, USA)
  • Integrating physical preservation and digitization: a currently effective process in the French National Library
    PHILIPPE VALLAS (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France)
  • The Oral History Records Rescue Group (OHRRG) Digitisation Project at the State Library of Western Australia
    PAT BEAMENT and LEE BLACKFORD (State Library of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia)
  • Parchment fragments, Co-operation and Complementarity - a case study
    MARIA SORJONEN (National Library of Finland, Helsinki, Finland)
  • National Diet Library's efforts to build the Great East Japan Earthquake Archive and its current status
    RIE NAGASAKI (National Diet Library, Tokyo, Japan)

Session 147 — Government Libraries – SC II

20 August 2013 15:00 - 16:30 | Room: 308

Session 148 — Law Libraries – SC II

20 August 2013 15:00 - 16:30 | Room: 309

Session 149 — Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning – SC II

20 August 2013 15:00 - 16:30 | Room: 310

Session 149 B — Education & Training – SC II

20 August 2013 15:00 - 16:30 | Room: 311

Session 150 — Future libraries - multiple futures — Asia and Oceania

20 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • The changing role of community libraries: emerging centres for sustainable development
    SANJANA SHRESTHA (READ Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal)
  • Creating a library of the future: Universidade Nacionál Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) journey of rebuilding its University Library for the 21st century
    MARY COGHLAN and SABINA ROBERTSON (The University Library, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Public library service in underdeveloped regions in China - A case study of Shanxi Province
    SHI XIN, ZHAI JIANXIONG and HAO JINMIN (The National Library of China, Beijing, China)
  • Future of Quiescent Public Library System: a developing country prospective
  • Increasing demands on public libraries in hard economic times: Innovation and partnership to meet community needs at Davao City Public Library
    NORA FE ALAJAR (Philippines)
  • Remaining relevant - how airports, banks and geeks can save frontline library services
    SHAUN O'DWYER and BELINDA SUA (University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Australia)

Session 151 — Hot topics in academic and research libraries — Academic and Research Libraries

20 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Nicoll 2

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Convergence of open access, open knowledge, and open innovation: towards libraries as an open knowledge service platform
    XIALON ZHANG (National Science Library, Beijing, China)
  • "That was then, this is now". A new era of research support.
    JENNY ELLIS (University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Using social media to build an engaged community
    GULCIN CRIBB and YUYUN WIRAWATI ISHAK (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
  • An age of un-discovery?: copyright, curiosity and scholarly access to information in a digital world
    ELLEN BROAD (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), The Hague, Netherlands)

Session 152 — Change as a constant: infinite possibilities for reference and information services — Reference and Information Services

20 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • A living network supports reference on-the-go
    LESLEY MOYO and JENNIFER NARDINE (University Libraries, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA)
  • Digital reference services for people with special needs: what, why and how?
    UDAYAN BHATTACHARYA and AVIK ROY (Jadavpur University, Kolkata-west, Bengal, India)
  • Study on emerging technologies librarians: how a new library position and its competencies are evolving to meet the technology and information needs of libraries and their patrons
    TARA RADNIECKI (Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, USA)
  • Information services for the engineering community; explorations in the hybrid environment
    LENA SAM, RAMA RAVIKUMAR RAMAKRISHNAN and KANNADASAN VENKATACHALAM (Nanyang Technological University Libraries, Singapore)
  • Facing our future: social media takeover, coexistence or resistance? the integration of social media and reference services
    JILL BENN and DAWN MCLOUGHLIN (University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia)
  • Connecting library content using data mining and text analytics on structured and unstructured data
    CHEE KIAM LIM and BALAKUMAR CHINNASAMY (National Library Board, Singapore)

Session 153 — News for the future: dissemination, harvesting, archiving, and retrieving — Newspapers

20 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Bringing the past to the people: outreach efforts and value-added content for chronicling America in Hawaii and Vermont
    ERENST ANIP (Vermont Digital Newspaper Project, University of Vermont, Burlington, USA) and JODIE MATTOS (Hawaiian Collection, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu, USA)
  • "Singing for their Supper": Trove, Australian Newspapers, and the crowd
    MARIE-LOUISE AYRES  (National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia)
  • Scriptorium - a new platform for digitized newspaper in open access
    JEANNETTE FREY (State and University Library Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • User benefits and crowdsourcing - Articles in the spotlight
    MAJLIS BREMER-LAAMANEN (Centre for Preservation and Conservation, National Library of Finland, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Text mining newspapers and news content: new trends and research methodologies
    DEBORA CHENEY (The Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, PA, USA)
  • The digitized newspaper collection as national patrimony of the Russian Federation
    A.A. DZHIGO (Research Department of Library Science, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia)
  • Caxton to cloud: the future of news preservation, storage and access
    PATRICK FLEMING (The British Library, London, UK)
  • Online newspaper clippings & news services for libraries: Experiences in Indian Libraries
    RAMESH C. GAUR, MAHESH CHAND, AMAR SINGH YADAV (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India) and KAVITA GAUR (International Management Institute, New Delhi, India)
  • From attic to online
    SUE KELLERMAN (Judith O. Sieg Chair for Preservation, Digitization and Preservation Department, Pennsylvania State University Libraries University Park, PA USA) and BECKY WILSON (Blough-Weis Library at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, USA)
  • The challenge of making digitised European newspaper content available online
    SUSAN REILLY (Liber, The Hague, Netherlands)
  • Facing the future of Australian newspapers
    HILARY BERTHON and WAN WONG (National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia)

Session 154 — National Association Members Meeting

20 August 2013 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Nicoll 3

Session 155 — Acquisitions and Collection Development – SC II

20 August 2013 16:45 - 18:15 | Room: 308

Session 156 — Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities SC II

20 August 2013 16:45 - 18:15 | Room: 309

Session 157 — Cultural Evening

20 August 2013 19:00 - 23:00 | Room: Tanjong Beach Club, Sentosa Island (Offsite)


Tanjong Beach Club
120 Tanjong Beach Walk, Sentosa Island 
Singapore 098942

Session 159 — Library Services to People with Special Needs – SC II

21 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 310

Session 160 — Plenary Session

21 August 2013 08:30 - 09:15 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Ubiquitous libraries in a hybrid reality

Plenary Speaker: Dr Parag Khanna


Parag Khanna

Parag Khanna is a leading geo-strategist, world traveller, and author. He is Director of the Hybrid Reality Institute, Senior Research Fellow at the New America Foundation, Visiting Fellow at LSE IDEAS, Senior Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, Senior Fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, and Adjunct Professor in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.

Parang is also the author of “Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization” (2012), the international bestseller “The Second World: How Emerging Powers are Redefining Global Competition in the Twenty-first Century” (2008), and “How to Run The World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance” (2011).

In 2008, Parag was named one of Esquire’s “75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century,” and featured in WIRED magazine’s “Smart List.” Parag is regularly featured in media around the world such as the New York Times, TIME, Financial Times, and the Wall Street Journal, and appears regularly on CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, PBS, and NPR. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics, and Bachelors and Masters degrees from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Born in India, Parag grew up in the United Arab Emirates, New York, and Germany. He has travelled to more than 100 countries and is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

Chair of the Session: Choy Fatt Cheong
(University Librarian, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Session 161 — Crossing boundaries: art libraries, museums and archives in a global context — Art Libraries

21 August 2013 09:00 - 12:30 | Off-site

  • The value of an archive in the digital age
    YEO WEI WEI (National Art Gallery, Singapore)
  • Museum library and intercultural networking: the library of the Musée national des arts asiatiques Guimet (National Museum of Asian Arts, Paris, France)
    CRISTINA CRAMEROTTI (Musée national des arts asiatiques Guimet, Paris, France)
  • Singapore: a city of campaigns
    LIM TIN SENG (National Library, Singapore). Paper presented by KAH KIT CHEONG (Lee Kong Chian Reference Library, Singapore)

Ngee Ann Auditorium, Asian Civilizations Museum

How to get there:
By MRT from Esplanade to Raffles Place station

Leng Foong Kong, National Library Board of Singapore
E-mail: [email protected]

More information:

Session 162 — Future African Libraries: innovation and creativity in services — Africa

21 August 2013 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Collaborative innovations-making libraries more relevant in society
    STEPHEN JOHN AGBENYO (Northern Ghana Based ICT 4B NGO, Ghana) and AARON KUWORNU (Ghana Library Authority, Tamale, Ghana)
  • Les bibliothèques du futur pour qui? Une projection de bibliothèque de recherche en Afrique / Future libraries for whom? A projection on Africa
    JEAN PIERRE DIOUF (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa - CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal)
  • Education and training of information professionals: the collaborative role of the Librarians’ Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN)
    VICTORIA OKOJIE and OLADELE OMOTOSO (Librarians' Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN), Abuja, Nigeria)

Session 163 — Development initiatives for strong library communities: IFLA ALP — Building Strong Library Associations (BSLA)

21 August 2013 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

In this session, IFLA’s initiatives to promote sustainable development through libraries will be presented. These include the post-2015 agenda, IFLA policy, and capacity building programmes delivered through ALP such as the Building Strong Library Associations programme and International Leaders Programme. A new training module, Libraries and Development, produced in partnership with Beyond Access, will be previewed. This module highlights the contribution libraries make to national priorities such as health, agriculture, and civic participation.

The session will be chaired by ALP Chair, Buhle Mbambo-Thata.

Session 164 — Libraries, readers, and book culture in Asia: New perspectives in Information and global history — Library History Special Interest Group

21 August 2013 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

  • Introduction: Particular contributions to historical change: toward global and information histories of library and information science
    STEVE WITT (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA)
  • The Makiling Echo: the multiple functions of a staff magazine in the American tropical empire of the early twentieth century
    BRENDAN LUYT (Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, Singapore)
  • The "elite of their profession": the impact on professional practice of the Office of War Information libraries and their librarians in the British dominions during World War II
    MARY CARROLL (Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia)
  • Textbook case: a colonial history book's influence (or lack thereof) on the miseducation of the Filipino
    VERNON R. TOTANES (Rizal Library, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines)
  • Historical perspective; the Statement on Intellectual Freedom in libraries in Japan
    YASUYO INOUE (Dokkyo University, Souka, Japan)
  • The new library movement in China and the impact of American librarianship in the beginning of the 20th Century
    CHENG HUANWEN (School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China)
  • History of Library Developments in China
    ZHIXIAN YI (School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia)

Session 165 — Gold mining! Text and data mining of journals: librarians, publishers and researchers excavating the treasure trove — Serials and Other Continuing Resources

21 August 2013 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

  • Text & data mining - a librarian overview
    ANN OKERSON (Center for Research Libraries, Chicago USA)
  • Text mining in libraries: a panoramic view
    HELEN HEINRICH (California State University, Northridge, Northridge California USA)
  • Data mining of scholarly journals: challenges and solutions for libraries
    MARTHA A. SPEIRS (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan)
  • Librarians and publishers working together to support text mining
    DAVID TEMPEST (Elsevier, Oxford England)

Session 166 — Government libraries as voices for open government — Government Libraries with Law Libraries and Government Information and Official Publications

21 August 2013 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Nicoll 3

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

This session will provide an introduction to open government. It is open to all IFLA participants who wish to discuss the theme, its set of features and how could be applied on current information procedures in the government sector and as part of citizen services.

The format will be flexible and interactive. Selected panelists will introduce topics by way of a 5-10 minute presentation. They will then chair round table sessions with participants from the audience, discussing the impact of these topics on their library services, how to effectively put the plan introduced in the presentation in place, and more. The outcome of each discussion group will be given by the original speaker or a Section member as a session wrap-up.


  • Access to administrative information: an issue for better citizen participation
    REYNA JOSVAH-RABIAZA (Committee for Safeguard of Integrity - CSI, Madagascar) and CAMILLE ESTHER RAHELIARISOA (Ministry of Fisheries and Halieutic Resources, Madagascar)
  • The demand side of open government
    ARI KATZ (Beyond Access, IREX, USA) and MATEJ NOVAK (Bibliomist, Ukraine)
  • Voices for open government: open data as panacea
    DUNCAN OMOLE (ERA Service Manager, Information and Knowledge Solutions, The World Bank Group)
  • Public Libraries – the government library you use most often!
    PAUL NIELSEN (Albany Public Library, City of Albany, Western Australia, Australia)

Session 167 — On the way to Freedom of access — Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE)

21 August 2013 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

The FAIFE committee makes up an update of the trends in free access to information and freedom of expression and introduces several approaches on how to respond to tightening control of internet: legislative initiatives, policies and statements, as well as campaigns and networking to support freedom of information and privacy.


  • Introduction and welcome
    KAI EKHOLM (Chair of FAIFE)
  • Empowering a nation: Journey from access to discernment
    CHRISTOPHER CHIA (Senior Advisor/NTUC, Exec Chmn/NTUC Media)
  • 10 trends revisited
    PÄIVIKKI KARHULA (Researcher, Chief Information Specialist at Parliament of Finland)
  • ALA and the Edward Snowden controversy
    BARBARA JONES (Director of the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom)

Inspiring, short updates:

  1. IFLA Code of Ethics: Further steps
    HERMAN ROESCH (coordinator of the new IFLA Code of Ethics)
  2. Introducing IFEX
    MASJALIZA HAMZAH (Centre for Independent Journalism, IFEX, Malaysia)
  3. IMMI legislation of Iceland
    BIRGITTA JONNISDOTTIR on video, interviewed by Päivikki Karhula
  4. IFLA Internet Government Statement & advocacy work
    STUART HAMILTON (Director, Policy & Advocacy at IFLA)


A special panel, entitled "Access in Asia", will discuss controlled access in the region.
Chair: Kai Ekholm
Päivikki Karhula's presentation
Panelists: Chris Chia, Päivikki Karhula, Masjaliza Hamzah, Alex Au

Session 168 — Science and Technology Libraries – SC II

21 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 308

Session 169 — Libraries for Children and Young Adults - SC II

21 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 309

Session 170 — Bibliography – SC II

21 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 310

Session 171 — Rare Books and Manuscripts – SC II

21 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 311

Session 172 — Library and Research Services for Parliaments – SC II

21 August 2013 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 308

Session 173 — Genealogy and Local History – SC II

21 August 2013 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 309

Session 174 — School Libraries and Research Services – SC II

21 August 2013 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 310

Session 175 — Social Science Libraries – SC II

21 August 2013 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 311

Session 176 — Taking charge of your career: a workshop — Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning

21 August 2013 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Moderator: ULRIKE LANG (Co-Chair, CPDWL)

  • Introduction:
    Competence wheel: communication and personal skills
    CATHARINA ISBERG (Information Coordinator, CPDWL)

Round tables:

  1. Intercultural competencies for the international floor
  2. What to do to be published, whom to contact
  3. How to prepare your papers to be published
  4. Gap analysis (Self managed carrier)
  5. Personal skills and competencies
  6. How to connect: using social media
  7. Internationalizing your career
  8. Alternative career
  9. Jump starting career
  10. Professional ethics
  • Session summary:

Session 177 — Future standards: infinite possibilities — Committee on Standards

21 August 2013 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Improving practices. Statistical standards in global libraries
    TORD HØIVIK (LATINA Lab, Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway)
  • Best practices of the DAISY standards in Korea -LG Sangnam library's service for the print disabled
    HYE-YEON HANN, YOON-SEOK JEONG and WON-HONG JANG (LG Sangnam Library, Seoul, South Korea)
  • Beyond a quality service: strengthening the social fabric. Standards and guidelines for Australian public libraries
    JAN RICHARDS (Australian Library and Information Association, Kingston ACT, Australia)
  • Translating Standards into actions: a case study on implementation and training
    MARY ELLEN K. DAVIS (Association of College & Research Libraries, Chicago, USA) and LISA JANICKE HINCHLIFFE (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA)
  • The ALTO editorial board: Collaboration and cooperation across borders
    FREDERICK ZARNDT (Consultant, Coronado CA, USA), JOACHIM BAUER (Hamburg Germany), MARKUS ENDERS (British Library, London, United Kingdom), BRIAN GEIGER (University of California Riverside, Riverside CA, USA), KIA SIANG HOCK (Singapore National Library Board, Singapore), JUKKA KERVINEN (National Library of Finland, Mikkeli, Finland), EVELIEN KET (Royal Library, The Hague, Netherlands), JEAN-PHILIPPE MOREUX (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris France) and NATE TRAIL (Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA)

Session 178 — OCLC Parallel Symposium: Collective Impact and the Power of Shared Data

21 August 2013 11:45 - 13:15 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Session 179 — Officers Training Session 2

21 August 2013 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Nicoll 3

Training session for new Officers (Chairs and Secretaries of IFLA Sections) and SIG Conveners; Information Coordinators are also invited. The session is intended to be an informal way of communicating all the information that new leaders of IFLA’s Sections and SIGs need in order to fulfil their duties during the year, so questions and discussion are encouraged.

Presenter: Joanne Yeomans (IFLA Professional Support Officer) with additional contributions from members of the Professional Committee, HQ staff, and others.

Session 180 — Intergenerational Literacies: texto – techno — Literacy and Reading with Information Literacy

21 August 2013 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Keynote: TBA
    ROBIN DRESEL and ROY KAR SOON WON (National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Bridge the Text and tech literacy gap between generations - case study of reading programs from public libraries in Guangdong Province of China
    LIU HONGHUI and HUANG QUNQING (Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China)
  • Information literacy and cultural heritage for lifelong learning: applying the model to develop texttotechno intergenerational literacies
    KIM BAKER (Library and Information Studies Centre, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Exploring the role of public libraries in supporting intergenerational literacies through ICTs
    HUI-YUN SUNG (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, China) and JOHN SIRAJ-BLATCHFORD (University of Swansea, United Kingdom)
  • New information and learning landscapes - challenges to bridge the information 'gaps'
    RUSSELL BOWDEN (National Institute of Library and Information Science (NILIS), Colombo, Sri Lanka)
  • Presentation of the Moscow declaration on media and information literacy and the Tunis Declaration on Libraries, Reading and Intergenerational Dialogue
    MARIA CARME TORRES I CALVA (Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway) and LEIKNY HAGA INDERGAARD (Bergen Public Library, Bergen, Norway)

Session 181 — National Libraries – SC II

21 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 308

Session 182 — Government Information and Official Publications – SC II

21 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 309

Session 183 — Academic and Research Libraries - SC II

21 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 310

Session 184 — Africa – SC II

21 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 311

Session 186 — Bring out the fun of it! New ways of teaching and communicating statistics — Statistics and Evaluation with Education and Training

21 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45

Rescheduled. Please see Session 113.

Session 187 — Research resources for Parliamentarians — Library and Research Services for Parliaments

21 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

  • Anticipatory research of the National Diet (Parliamentary) Library Japan: a major research resource for the Diet
    JUNKO HIROSE (National Diet Library, Tokio, Japan)
  • Analytical and information resources in support of Canadian Parliamentarians
    SONIA L'HEUREUX (Library of Parliament of Canada, Ottawa, Canada)
  • The role of parliamentary library and research resources in supporting parliamentarians to be well-informed: the case of Uganda
    INNOCENT RUGAMBWA and FRANCIS KINTU (Department of Library Services, Parliament of Uganda, Kampala, Uganda)
  • Developing sustainable Geographic Information System (GIS) services for parliamentary clients
    LILLIAN GASSIE and HANNAH FISCHER (Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA)
  • Practical experiences of resource sharing activities in the Islamic Consultative Assembly Library (ICAL)
    AZADEH HEIDARI and ALI KHAKPOUR (Islamic Consultative Assembly Library, Tehran, Iran)

Session 188 — Cultural heritage preservation in Asia: Innovation in cooperation — Preservation and Conservation Programme (PAC) Core Activity

21 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Introduction: Challenges of cooperation in Preservation in Asia
    CHRISTIANE BARYLA (Director, IFLA PAC, Paris, France)
  • Preserving the digital culture of two nations: National Library of New Zealand and National Library of China work towards a shared perspective on digital preservation
    BILL MACNAUGHT (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand) and SUN YIGANG (National Library of China, Beijing, China)
  • World Digital Library in Asia
    JOHN VAN OUDENAREN (World Digital Library, The Library of Congress, Washington, USA)
  • Progress of collaboration in disaster preparedness for cultural properties after the Great East Japan Earthquake
    NAOKO KOBAYASHI (IFLA PAC Regional Director, PACASIA & National Diet Library, Tokyo, Japan Japan)

Session 189 — Library and information professionals improving the lives of women in Asia Oceania — Women, Information and Libraries Special Interest Group

21 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Library strategies for literacy improvement of women in the Asia Oceania Region
    MOHAMMAD MAHDI JAHANI YEKTA (Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology - Iran Doc, Tehran, Iran)
  • Information requirements of women entrepreneurs in Pune City
    DURGA MURARI and SHUBHADA NAGARKAR (SNDT Women's University Library, Pune, India)
  • Serving women in China: practice and projects in a public library
    YANG RONG (Nanshan Library of Shenzhen City, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China)
  • Beyond borders: the influence of librarians, libraries and access to information for Papua New Guinean women participating in Australian university education
    SUZANNE LIPU (School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia)

Session 190 — IFLA projects “The World through Picture Books” and “Sister Libraries”: new developments and how to benefit from the project — Libraries for Children and Young Adults

21 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Session 191 — Project presentations – IFLA International Leaders Programme — Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP)

21 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Nicoll 3

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

IFLA’s International Leaders Programme is a two-year Programme designed to increase the cohort of leaders who can effectively represent the wider library sector in the international arena, and to develop leaders within IFLA. At this session, participants in the programme will present results from the first year of the programme. This will include results of research into Open Access in development countries, strategies for regional collaboration for advocacy, challenges to access to digital content, and findings from representation at major events such as the Internet Governance Forum.

Speakers at this session will include members of the current cohort of 12 Associates who participate in the programme until August 2014.

Session 191 B — Literacy and Reading - SC II

21 August 2013 14:00 - 16:15 | Room: 333

Session 192 — General Assembly

21 August 2013 16:15 - 18:00 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI


  1. Opening by the President, Ingrid Parent
  2. Appointment of Tellers
  3. Establishment of a Quorum
  4. Adoption of the Agenda
  5. Minutes of the previous meeting, held in Helsinki, Finland, 11 – 17 August 2012
  6. In memoriam of those members who have died during the past year
  7. Presentation of the Report of the President
  8. Presentation of the Report of the Secretary General
  9. Presentation of the Annual Accounts by the Treasurer
  10. Formal announcement of the Results of the Postal Ballot for the Election of President-elect and for places on the Governing Board by the Secretary General
  11. Motions and Resolutions
    11.1 Motion to approve the holding of the next General Assembly in August 2014 (Art 8.2 of the Statutes refers)
    11.2 Membership fees 2014 – 2016
  12. Motion to adjourn and reconvene at 16.15 on Thursday, 22 August 2013

Note: the General Assembly reconvenes at the Closing Session.

Session 193 — Newspapers - SC II

22 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 308

Session 194 — Management of Library Associations - SC II

22 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 309

Session 195 — Information Technology – SC II

22 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 310

Session 196 — Serials and Other Continuing Resources - SC II

22 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 311

Session 196 B — CLM Committee Meeting II

22 August 2013 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 333

Session 197 — Education and training for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine) librarianship: an international perspective — Science and Technology Libraries

22 August 2013 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

  • Key issues in STEM Specific Information Education: lessons learned at the University of Tennessee, USA
    SUZIE ALLARD (School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA) and EDWIN CORTEZ (School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA)
  • Agents of change: regional cooperation and LIS education and training
    BESA HYSA (Multimedia Library, Polytechnic University Sheshi "Nënë Tereza", Tirana, Albania) and PRIMOŽ JUŽNIČ (Department of Library and Information Science and Book studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • Education and training in medical librarianship in medical universities in India
    SUDHIR KUMAR (Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India) KEERTI BALA JAIN (Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India) and LEENA SHAH (Govt. Kalidas Girls College Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India)
  • Subject specialization of librarians of science and technology libraries in Sri Lanka (SLSTINET)
    MOHAMED MAJEED MASHROOFA (South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil Sri Lanka)
  • The Iranian's efforts to design and accredit the first long-term educational program for library and information professionals in agriculture
    HAMIDREZA MOKHTARI ASKI and ABDOLLAH MOKHBER (Library and Information Science, Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center of Agriculture, Alborz Province, Karaj, Iran)
  • Towards a new paradigm of LIS training for agricultural librarians in Zimbabwe: challenges and opportunities
    COLLENCE TAKAINGENHAMO CHISITA (School of Information Sciences at Harare Polytechnic, Harare, Zimbabwe) and TENDAI MATARANYIKA (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe)

Session 198 — Digital collection strategies at National Libraries: challenges and opportunities — National Libraries

22 August 2013 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Keynote: [email protected]: the opportunities and challenges of implementing a digital collection development strategy
    CAROLINE BRAZIER (The British Library, London, United Kingdom)
  • Digital collection strategies at the National Diet Library
    TOSHIYUKI YAMADA (The National Diet Library, Tokyo, Japan)
  • Acquiring, organising and providing access to digital content: The Singapore Memory Project experience
    CHRIS TANG (National Library of Singapore, National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Legal and technical difficulties of web archival in Singapore
    JHONNY ANTONIO PABÓN CADAVID (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), JOHNKHAN SATHIK BASHA and GANDHIMANI KALEESWARAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • Legal restrictions and the digital library - is digital access to knowledge achievable?
    JERKER RYDÉN (The National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden)

Session 199 — LIS Education in Developing Countries: Collaboration Across Borders as Infinite Possibilities — LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Groups

22 August 2013 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Enhancing library and information science education through cross-border collaboration: the experience of University of Ibadan, Nigeria and University of Ghana
    ABIOLA ABIOYE (Department of Library , Archival and Information Studies, Ibadan, Nigeria)
  • Collaboration across boarders as infinite possibilities: prospects, challenges and solutions to the Consortium of LIS Educators in the Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Librarians (SCECSAL) region in partnership with American universities
    ISAAC M.N. KIGONGO-BUKENYA (The East African School of Library and Information Science, Mekerere University, Kampala, Uganda)
  • The improvements in quality of LIS Education through the mutual international exchanges of students in the East Asia
    TAKASHI NAGATSUKA, HIROYUKI TSUNODA and TOMOKO HARADA (Dept. of Library, Archival and Information Studies, Tsurumi University, Tsurumi-Yokohama, Japan)
  • The LIS school in the ICT age: a casualty, or catalyst for making a "cross-border" shift of a different type? - the case of South Africa
    JAYA RAJU (Libraries and Information Studies Centre, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Specialised education for STEM libraries in LIS schools of South Asia
    AJAY PRATAP SINGH (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India)
  • Challenges and problems of Library and Information Science Education in selected African countries
    PETER BURNETT (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), Oxford, United Kingdom)
  • Teaching and learning for development through collaborative curriculum design: a study of University of Botswana, Botswana and University of Calabar, Nigeria
    ENO JOSEPH OTTONG and UBONG JOSEPH OTTONG (Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria)

Session 200 — Strengthening access to information: the future of resource sharing — Document Delivery and Resource Sharing

22 August 2013 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Across the borderline - legal problems with international ILL
    HARALD MÜLLER (Max Planck Institut for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Nationwide resource sharing of e-books among 520 public libraries in Taiwan
    CHUNG-CHIN LAI and LI-HSIANG LAI (National Library of Public Library, Taichung City, Taiwan, China)
  • Rethinking resource sharing: new models for collaboration
    BRENDA BAILEY-HAINER, ANNE BEAUBIEN, BATH POSNER and EVAN SIMPSON (American Theological Library Association, Chicago, IL, USA)
  • Innovation during evolution: document supply service digitises library collections
    MARGARITA MORENO and ANNE XU (National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia)

Session 201 — Strong Libraries, Strong Societies: Libraries promoting development — President-Elect’s Session

22 August 2013 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Nicoll 3

Speakers' Programme


Chair: Buhle Mbambo-Thata, South Africa

  • Introduction to the theme
    Sinikka Sipilä (Finland, IFLA President-Elect)
  • Libraries in Southeast Asia: A force for social development!
    Ngian Lek Choh (National Library Board of Singapore, Singapore)
  • Open Access in Latin America : challengies and opportunities for research and education
    Jorge Ruiz Vaca (Mexico)
  • The Role of public libraries in the attainment of Botswana’s vision 2016
    Kgomotso Radijeng (Botswana National Productivity Centre, Gaborone, Botswana)
  • Librarians speak to the world! The way libraries can weigh in on multi-stakeholder forums: the example of WSIS+10
    Jérémy Lachal (Bibliothèques Sans Frontières / Libraries Without Borders, Paris, France )

Additional details

World café


Discussions conducted by Inga Lunden, Sweden and Christine MacKenzie, Australia.

World café programme


Session 202 — Images, lost and found: innovative approaches to discovery and use of visual material found in rare books, manuscripts, and special collections — Art Libraries with Rare Books and Manuscripts

22 August 2013 08:30 - 11:30 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

  • Content-based image recognition on printed broadside ballads: The Bodleian Libraries' ImageMatch Tool
    GILES BERGEL, ALEXANDRA FRANKLIN, MICHAEL HEANEY (Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom), RELJA ARANDJELOVIC, ANDREW ZISSERMAN (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom) and DONATA FUNKE (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany)
  • The image is the record - similarity-based image search for visual materials in digitized library collections: The approach of the Bavarian State Library
    KLAUS CEYNOWA (Bavarian State Library /Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München, Germany)
  • The art of finding an illustration - or just Google it!
    CARINA BROMARK, Uppsala University Library, Uppsala, Sweden)
  • Data entry worksheet: Preserving images and decorations of Persian manuscripts and lithographed books
    ALI BOOZARI and ALI MASHHADI RAFI (The Art University of Ishfahan and Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran)

Session 203 — Statistics and Evaluation - SC II

22 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 308

Session 204 — Cataloguing – SC II

22 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 309

Session 205 — FAIFE - Committee Meeting II

22 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 311

Session 206 — Committee on Standards Meeting II

22 August 2013 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 310

Session 207 — Open Access in the context of full lifecycle of Knowledge Management — Knowledge Management

22 August 2013 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Open Access: a new dawn for knowledge management
    ELLEN R. TISE and REGGIE RAJU (Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa)
  • Supporting learning, knowledge sharing & team-based work with Open Access and Open Source technology and tools
    H. FRANK CERVONE (Cervone and Associates, Chicago, IL, USA) and JANE DYSART (Dysart & Jones Associates, Toronto, Canada)
  • Open Access at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    IVA BUREŠOVÁ (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Library, Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Knowledge sharing in libraries: a case study of knowledge sharing strategies in Indonesian university libraries
    NOVE E. VARIANT ANNA and DYAH PUSPITASARI (Department of Information and Library, Airlangga University, Indonesia)
  • Digital open access initiatives in health information: Oman Medical Journal as a model
    WALEED ALI AL-BADI (College of Arts and social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman) and MUNEER NASSER AL-BATTASHI (The research council of Oman, Muscat, Oman)
  • Not a possibility, but a reality: sharing unique content via Open Access
    HAIPENG LI and LISA SONG (Hong Kong Baptist University; Kowloon, Hong Kong, China)

Session 208 — Building the future in Latin America and the Caribbean: local priorities and global opportunities / Construyendo el futuro en América Latina y el Caribe: prioridades locales y oportunidades globales — Latin America and the Caribbean

22 August 2013 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Collaboration in support of library training
    LESLEY FARMER (California State University Long Beach, Los Alamitos, USA)
  • Evaluación de Impacto Contenidos para la Inclusión digital en comunidades locales - Programa BiblioRedes
    PABLO ANDRADE BLANCO (Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos. Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, Santiago de Chile, Chile)
  • Retos y oportunidades en América Latina y el Caribe / Challenges and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean
    SUELI MARA SOARES PINTO FERREIRA (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil) and JESÚS LAU (Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, México)

Session 209 — International agreements that influence national policy framework for exceptions and limitations for libraries — Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)

22 August 2013 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 324/325

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Opening comments
    VICTORIA OWEN (University of Toronto Scarborough, Toronto, Canada)
  • IFLA at World Intellectual Property Organization and the Proposed Treaty for Libraries and Archives
    WINSTON TABB (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)
  • Treaty for the blind and visually impaired and what it means for libraries and TLIB
    JONATHAN BAND (TBC) (Policy Bandwidth, Washington, USA)
  • Treaty for Visually Impaired Persons (TVI) and treaty proposal on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives (TLIB): implications for the Developing World
    DENISE ROSEMARY NICHOLSON (University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
  • Recent court cases in intellectual property and their implications for libraries
    HARALD MUELLER (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements; IFLA resources for libraries on IP
    ELLEN BROAD (National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia)

Session 210 — New librarians global connection: best practices, models and recommendations — New Professionals Special Interest Group with Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning

22 August 2013 10:45 - 13:00 | Room: Nicoll 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Workshop A:
    New librarians, global connections: the world is your oyster

    MEGAN FITZGIBBONS (University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
  • Workshop B:
    Library Residency Programs: Early Career Development for the Future of Libraries

    ANGELA BOYD, SUZANNE IM and YOLANDA BLUE (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
  • Workshop C:
    Know thyself: advancing your leadership potential
    EVA REVITT (Grant MacEwan University, Alberta, Canada)
  • Workshop D:
    Leadership is more important than management debate

    CHRISTINE BUSBY (LIANZA Emerging Leaders Working Group, Wellington, New Zealand)

See also: Additional information

Session 211 — Document Delivery and Resource Sharing - SC II

22 August 2013 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 308

Session 213 — Asia and Oceania – SC II

22 August 2013 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 310

Session 215 — Information Coordinators & Web Editors (2)

22 August 2013 11:45 - 12:45 | Room: 333

Presenter: Louis Takács (IFLA Communications Officer / Web Content Editor)

Advanced session on the use of IFLA's Drupal-based CMS.

This will be an informal presentation and question and answer session open only to IFLA Information Coordinators & Web Editors.  Newly appointed Information Coordinators are strongly encouraged to attend.

Another session for beginners is also available on Tuesday, 20 August from 11:45-12:45.


Session 216 — Health and Biosciences Libraries – SC II

22 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 308

Session 217 — Audiovisual and Multimedia – SC II

22 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 309

Session 218 — Art Libraries – SC II

22 August 2013 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 310

Session 220 — The infinite possibilities of family history and genealogy in East and South Asian culture — Genealogy and Local History

22 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 1

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • The collection & digitization of genealogies in the National Libraries of China
    XIE DONGRONG, XIAO YU and SHI JIAN (National Library of China, Beijing, China)
  • The genealogy of the Hadhrami Arabs in Southeast Asia – the ‘Alawi family
    ZAHRA ALJUNIED (National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Encounters with the public archives & collective memory: researching the Indian community in Singapore
    NALINA GOPAL (India Heritage Centre, Singapore)
  • Challenges in building a genealogy library in Korea
    JAE-SUP PAK (Inje University, Gimhae, Korea)
  • Different missions, common goals – museum-library collaboration at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum in the service of local and family history and the conservation of documentary heritage in the South China Sea
    PATRICK LO ( Information & Media Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan), KITTY BUT and ROBERT TRIO (Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Hong Kong, China)

Session 221 — Information for development action: governments, civil society and libraries — Government Information and Official Publications with Government Libraries

22 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Summit 2

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Creating bridges to prosperity in the Asia and Pacific Region: the ADB Library Experience
    NELIA R. BALAGAPO (Asian Development Bank Library, Manila, Philippines)
  • Government information sources for economic development: a case study of the Institute of Economic Growth Library, India
    P. K. JAIN (Institute of Economic Growth, Library, University of Delhi, Delhi, India), PARVEEN BABBAR (Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi, India) and GEETA PALIWAL (University College of Medical Sciences, Dilshad Garden, Delhi, India)
  • Including libraries in development strategies
    MATEJ NOVAK (Global Libraries Ukraine at International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)) and PAUL-ANDRE BARAN (Global Libraries Romania at International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX))
  • Information for and about development politics and action in Switzerland: a partnership between government and civil society
    AMÉLIE VALLOTTON PREISIG (Alliance Sud Documentation Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Access and use of libraries and information centres by agricultural researchers and extension workers in Zimbabwe
    TINASHE MUGWISI, DENNIS N. OCHOLLA and JANNEKE MOSTERT (University of Zululand, Richards Bay, South Africa)
  • Government information, publications and information dissemination strategies for the future: a case study of DRDO, India
    RAJEEV VIJ (Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), DRDO, Government of India, Delhi, India)

Session 222 — Expanding MARC metadata services with linked open data — UNIMARC Core Activity (UCA)

22 August 2013 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 324/325

  • Libraries in a Linked Data World: impacts for cataloging
  • S’appuyer sur la structure des données et les liens - le format MARC comme tremplin pour le Web de données : l’exemple de data.bnf.fr
    VINCENT BOULET (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France)
  • Publishing Persian linked data of National library and Archive of Iran
    SAEEDEH ESLAMI and MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN VAGHEFZADEH (National Library and Archive of Iran, Tehran, Iran)
  • The UNIMARC in RDF project: namespaces and linked data
    MIRNA WILLER (Department of Information Sciences, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia), GORDON DUNSIRE (Independent Consultant, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom) and PREDRAG PEROŽIĆ, Department of Information Sciences, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia)

Session 223 — Closing Session

22 August 2013 16:15 - 17:30 | Room: Exhibition Hall 404-405 | SI


  • Address by the President
  • Presentation of Awards
  • Thanks to the outgoing Governing Board
  • Introduction of the new Governing Board
  • Announcement of WLIC 2015 location
  • Vote of thanks WLIC 2013
  • Invitation to WLIC 2014 in Lyon, France
  • Address by incoming President Sinikka Sipilä
  • Close of the Assembly

Session 224 — Governing Board (Incoming and ongoing including Professional Committee)

23 August 2013 09:00 - 13:00 | Room: 323