International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control (ICBC) ceased publication in 2010. For information about alternative publication opportunities within IFLA on cataloguing and bibliographic control research and practice, please refer to the IFLA Journal, IFLA Professional Reports series or contact [email protected].

International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control (ICBC) was a quarterly journal devoted to issues, projects, research and new developments in the broad field of Bibliographic Control.  It provided an international forum for the exchange of views and discussion of best practices by members of the library and information profession in general and professionals in the sectors of cataloguing, bibliography and indexing in particular.  ICBC was was published from 1972–2010.

Over the years, ICBC grew from a small newsletter to a trusted international professional journal.

Apart from IFLA Conference papers and reports, it published commissioned articles and also unsolicited contributions. Articles were usually published in English, but some were also published in other IFLA official languages (French and Spanish).