Statement of Candidacy for IFLA President-Elect

To serve as President 2013-2014

Jesús Lau (Mexico)

Jesús LauDirector, Research Center on Veracruzana University Documentation
Universidad Veracruzana
Av. Ruiz Cortines y Juan Pablo II
94294 Boca del Rio, Veracruz, México
Tel. (52)(229) 7752021
Email: [email protected]

Theme: A Horizon of Library Opportunities:

Societal Knowledge Distribution – Information Skilled Societies

Libraries can expand their horizons using a variety of technologies–for some this is a dramatic sea change and for others it is a series of developments in a sea of transformation. The strategies to adopt, adapt, and create library services with expanding technologies that permeate social, economic, and political transformation worldwide requires IFLA to play a pivotal role, leading libraries in their knowledge distribution efforts and promotion of information competencies in our increasingly interconnected societies
My leadership roles in various international library organizations and my strong IFLA experience, serving in different positions at the section and division level, have prepared me to address IFLA´s global opportunities. As information officer, secretary, and most recently chair, I enabled the Information Literacy Section to play a more vital international role. During my tenure, with UNESCO funding, I led the following efforts:

  • Guidelines that have been translated into 10 different languages;
  • International resources and best practices directory;
  • Ongoing worldwide state-of-the art report;
  • International logo selected among 190 proposals from 37 countries;
  • IFLA book published in 2008; and
  • Information Literacy marketing manual

Serving on the IFLA Governing Board and participating in the previous election has given me a broader association perspective, providing the necessary expertise for the next level of leadership: IFLA President-Elect.

As President, I would commit to achieving IFLA´s goals to:

  • Strengthen work on advocacy, standards, and guidelines to adopt/adapt to the new technological opportunities for libraries;
  • Promote the importance of Information Literacy; and
  • Encourage greater participation from emerging economy members.

Let’s promote knowledge distribution and information competencies throughout the world with appropriate technology tools.
With YOUR VOTES, I pledge to work hard to make this a reality.

Jesús Lau