At its meeting in April, the IFLA Governing Board has endorsed Principles of Engagement in library-related activities in times of crisis, conflict or disaster. The Principles are part of IFLA’s Key Initiatives 2011-2012 programme: Cultural Heritage Disaster Reconstruction Programme – Culture is a basic need, a community thrives through its cultural heritage, it dies without it.

The recent turmoil in Syria and Mali, the earthquake in Haiti or the earthquake followed by a tsunami in Japan, IFLA is deeply concerned by the great loss of cultural heritage in recent years due to armed conflicts, crises and natural disasters. The principles aim to encourage safeguarding and respect for cultural property especially by raising awareness and promoting disaster risk management and to strengthen cooperation and participation in cultural heritage activities through UNESCO, the libraries, archives, museums, heritage buildings and sites group and the International Committee of the Blue Shield initiatives and activities.

They advise IFLA and its members on how to monitor areas at risk, advocate for and raise awareness about prevention. In the event of a conflict or disaster, the Principles of Engagement will guide activities in recovery situations and advise IFLA and its members if and how to engage in a particular recovery situation within IFLA’s strategic directions. They establish criteria to guide decisions on whether IFLA and its members would become engaged in post-conflict/disaster recovery and the terms under which it would do so.

To strengthen these efforts and to prevent future damage of cultural heritage, IFLA is currently developing an online ‘at risk register’ of countries and sites where there is a risk for armed conflict or natural disasters. Within the register, libraries with significant cultural heritage items will be identified.

Read the Principles of Engagement:

IFLA Principles of Engagement in library-related activities of disaster risk reduction and in times of conflict, crisis or natural disaster

The principles of engagement advise IFLA and its members on how to monitor areas at risk, advocate for and raise awareness about disaster prevention. In the event of disaster, the Principles of Engagement will guide activities in recovery situations and advise IFLA and its members if and how to enga...


Principes et engagements de l’IFLA pour les activités en faveur de la réduction du risque après un désastre dans les bibliothèques en période de conflit, de crise et de désastre naturel

Durant sa réunion du 19 août 2011, le Conseil d’administration de l’IFLA a établi un groupe consultatif pour définir les principes et engagements à suivre par l’IFLA et ses membres dans les activités liées à la réduction du risque dans les bibliothèques en période de conflit, de cri...

Principios de Actuación de la IFLA en actividades relacionadas con las bibliotecas para la reducción del riesgo de desastre en casos de conflicto, crisis o catástrofe natural

En su reunión del 19 de agosto del 2011, la Junta Directiva de la IFLA creó un Grupo Asesor para elaborar unos Principios de Actuación que pueda utilizar la IFLA y sus miembros en las actividades relacionadas con las bibliotecas para la reducción del riesgo de desastre en casos de conflicto, cri...

Grundsätze des IFLA-Engagements im Bereich bibliotheksrelevanter Aktivitäten zur Verringerung des Katastrophenrisikos und in Zeiten von Konflikten, Krisen oder Naturkatastrophen

Während der IFLA-Vorstandssitzung am 19. August 2011 wurde eine Beratergruppe eingesetzt mit der Aufgabe, Grundsätze des Engagements für IFLA und ihre Mitglieder im Bereich bibliotheksrelevanter Aktivitäten zur Verringerung des Katastrophenrisikos und in Zeiten von Konflikten, Krisen oder Naturk...

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በግጭት፣ በቀውስ ወይም ከፍተኛ ውድመት በሚያጋጥምበት ወቅት፣ ከቤተመጻህፍትና ከእነርሱም ጋር የተገናኙ አገልግሎቶችን በተመለከተ መኖር ስለሚገባው ንቁና ገንቢ ተሳትፎ የአለምአቀፍ የቤተ-መጻህፍት ማህበራትና ድርጅቶች ፌዴሬሽን መሪ ሃሳብ

የአለምአቀፍ የቤተ-መጻህፍት ማህበራትና ድርጅቶች ፌዴሬሽን ከፍተኛ አመራር አካል እ.ኤ.አ. በኦገስት 19 ቀን 2011 ባካሄደው ስብሰባ ከፍተኛ የተፈጥሮ ውድመትን በመቀነስና ግጭት ወይም ቀው�...